You can apologise to someone who’s feelings. You have hurt (on a relatively serious matter) even if not intended. Then put the whole daft thing to bed.
I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank people for reaching out and offering their support over the last couple of days. It's been a massive eye opener for me. I'm going to carry on posting and just want to put this whole affair behind me. It's left a mark on me that I didn't think I'd let it to be honest. That's probably something I need to look at myself as I thought I had thicker skin than that. Anyway it's done now. I've discovered the ignore button and move on.
To be fair to him he probably would have if it was raised at the time and given the opportunity to clear up any misunderstanding.
SD - You`re one of us! You`re allowed to mess up from time to time - just look at The Reds even they`re not perfect!
I did say I didn't like his analogy at the time and there was no reply. However, I've moved on now. It's in the past.
I agree with this. I'm sure social media i.e. on here, 'cos this is the only social media I do, has limited my ability to concentrate on anything for more than a few moments. I've been having some intensive training at work recently and have the concentration span of a...