I just read TitusMagee's response and mine would echo this. Suggesting taking away kids for this is just silly. Camping this close to a cliff is equally silly. Some of the posts on here suggest they've never made an error of judgement. IMHO that's what this was.
Should everyone with a caravan near the edge in this picture have their kids taken away and be banned from fostering or adopting too? Surely you're just as likely to wander off the cliff in the middle of the night there? And it's just as likely to collapse, as it actually did
I don't think those end houses are safe places for anyone to live. They are not as likely to wander off in the middle of the night though as I presume they have toilets inside their house and the door locked. It's much easier to wander out of a tent when busting for the loo in the night than a locked house.
They're caravans so while they'll have indoor toilets they wont all be on serviced pitches so won't necessarily be used. It's not uncommon for caravan uses to use the toilets on site rather than their own. I saw the photo of them camping there and thought 'silly Bast.ards' but the reaction and making headline news of it is way over the top. Nobody reacted the same at caravans on cliff tops, nobody complains when people walk along the path next to the tent but this couple are condemned
I think it's because of the vulnerability of a tent slipping/being blown by strong wind and the ease that someone can wander out of it compared to a caravan. Walking along seems different because you are awake and can be alert to any feeling/noise of the path slipping and hopefully get to safety rather than being stuck sleeping inside a tent unaware and unable to get to safety quickly. If it's any consolation, every single time I see caravans close to cliff tops like that I go on a mini rant about how dangerous they are and how stupid (or incredibly poor and out of options) the people who pitch them there must be.
I always think it but I wouldn't go as far as putting it as headline news or calli g for the kids to be taken into care. Imo that is going way too far
A bit careless no doubt. The camping couple would have been unlucky if the cliff had collapsed but the outcome would have been fatal. There's a path next to the tent so it's a calculated risk just walking along the cliff. The caravans are probably on clay, mudstone or sand and gravel so they will erode rapidly but with less risk to life and limb. Watch this dude flirt with disaster.
Is it that much of an error of judgement (I'm not talking about anything to do with Covid here, or who belongs to which household or any of that, just where the tent is pitched)? Families go mountain climbing together. They pitch tents in far more precarious situations than this. Families make rope swings, cross fallen trees, traverse rivers, and they have fun. Or they used to.
He's actually qualified as a master of applied science. Everything he does is controlled and is done to educate people on the dangers of electricity and why you should always follow the rules
I totally get that but caravans don't tend to have proper locks on the inside do they? My cousin (probably about 10th removed and all that) had her daughter escape out of a caravan in the middle of the night for that very reason. She was found wandering the caravan site. And I'm not saying this couple did this, they probably didn't to be fair, but you can buy locks for tents too. Just a heads up fr anyone going camping it might be wise to do that anyway
Bang on. And now families stick a mobile phone or an Xbox controller in their kids’ hands and consider that proper parenting. They chose a really poor spot to pitch their tent. But when a million other kids were at home glued to their television, iPad or phone, this child was on an outdoor adventure which, in my opinion, makes them good parents...if a little bit stupid.