That’s my concern. Fully understand people not wanting to go but it will very likely make things even worse (if that’s possible). It wasn’t actually Blackpool fans boycott that ousted Oyston either. It was former investor Belekon suing him for monies owed that did for Oyston.
I think ST sales will be much reduced, making it less likely that we'll be competitive in League One and very unlikely to get straight back up. The Premier League in 3-4 years is fantasy. This season's humiliation has put the final nail in the coffin for me. I've been gradually worn down by all the diving, cheating and time wasting that is now regarded as good play in professional football. It's a game where cheats are allowed to prosper and they're never punished, so I've done with it. Worsbrough Bridge will provide my football fix from now onwards...
on the bright side though, if you don’t feel that you could watch us in the Premier league, you could always watch Wednesday in the Champions league!
My view of the owners has been pretty consistent from the get go. And my issues are because of a combination of their actions, choices and the words they say, not always directly. It creates significant distrust and gives me great concerns for the future of the football club. The league position is irrelevant when it comes to conduct, promises and the way fans have and are being treated.
If we were to bounce straight back up, two things will have happened, we will have landed on a decent coach, and Khaled will have grown into the CEO role to a point where recruitment starts to make sense again. These things have happened before, only to be ripped up, and see no reason why any success would be followed up with anything other than ripping it up and starting again.
Recruitment with 5k season tickets sold will not be good enough to get us out of L1, unless it's out the bottom end into L2.
The 'if' in my post was doing a lot of heavy lifting. But the point still stands. If we do well for a season, there'll still be scepticism of the owners who have made a complete hash of building on any success in the last 4 years.
Point taken, I know what you were getting at. I just see no way we can bounce straight back this time.