Morecambe The Cruel Sea Portsmouth Up Pompeii Donny Deliverance Wimbledon (under Bassett) Dirty Harry Crystal Palace The Eagle has Landed Arsenal Top Gun Barnsley/ Wensdeh/Blunts The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Yes, by all means. Funny thing is that when I first started putting it together (at the time of the Leeds spying incident), I had your fanzine in mind, but I ended up getting sidetracked and only got back on to it again the past few weeks.
Sounds like a great idea mate. I've got a load more for Wednesday...... Big Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Back to the Future Toy Story The Goonies The Adams Family Die Another Day One for Managers/Coaches next....? Gerhard Struber........ Coming to America
Coming soon. To all the Football teams outside the premiership Last tango in Paris. Particularly the famous Maria Schneider scene which was sponsored by Stork margarine. (Some of our younger posters may have to google this one)