Did some work at EDF headquarters a few years ago, and it was a disciplinary offence to walk up/down the stairs without one hand on the handrail. Companies with strong health & safety policies already in place will be significantly safer places to work at these times.
There are companies who are not even paying lip service to social distancing though they'll swear blind they are. My last company are woefully managed from middle management right up to national level. For years they have eroded health and safety in the short term pursuit of profit. There are obvious ways they could ease the risks in a working environment where people work closely together such as staggering start times but this would involve changes to work practices they are unwilling to enact. One of my ex colleagues sent me a photo from the office i worked in a couple of weeks ago. There were four people within a six foot circle. Certain companies will continue to risk the health of their staff rather than risk losing money.
Is it not just similar to coming back from injury? If a manager wants a player back for a game, but the player thinks their knee is still dodgy, they can say they don't want to play, surely. There'd have been human rights cases if not. I think you're right, even if they do sort a way for the league to finish, there will be players who don't want to risk their health.
Not for a player that’s self isolated, can prove he’s taken home deliveries for everything and has an expensive lawyer I don’t believe. Hopefully it doesn’t come to it but I hope the premier league, efl and any unscrupulous clubs get a bloody nose if they try and force players into something they are genuinely worried to do.
If players refused to play who could blame them? This virus is killing fit and healthy people. I'd stay at home if I could. I don't think I ever envisaged anything like this happening when I took the easy money on offer ten years ago. Manning a reception desk knowing you could be infected at anytime trying to keep every interaction to a bare minimum,short changing the patients. Travelling home on public transport paranoid you could be infecting your family. It really is every man for themselves and if it wasn't for my financial position I'd be at home. Doctors and Nurses staffing levels are being decimated with anxiety now. It's not heroic. We're lambs to the slaughter. Everyone else is being furloughed with 80 per cent pay giving us a clap where as NHS workers don't have a choice. It's risk death or starve. That for me isn't a right good choice. I know that makes me a mercenary/coward but I work in admin not in patient care.
Could have caught it off the delivery driver via whatever they deliver. I just ment proving it 100% would be difficult.