Don't critisise anyone ir yll be a Doom and gloom merchant who wants us to lose every game and shut the club down so it can be a Lidl... In reality we lost quality either from loans or sales or injury and signed replacements from way below the required level. Problem is we've spent the pennies nah and all the calls for experienced pros is a waste of time. we're gonna have to survive with this team plus McCarthy and Connell. sorry but I've said it before,this lot are no better than the last lot..
Also added a very good championship goalkeeper so definitely a good core for Collins to work with and I think the question mark is over his tactics and why we are so soft to play against.
Thats what i thought, give the bloke a chance but aftet 2 very similar home games with his decisions i am not sure. He really seemed out of his depth today . Running an American team is a lot different to an english team. I honestly do not know whether he has bitten more than he can chew, or he is dissatisfied with the playing staff. But as i have said elsewhere tonight he looked embarrassing today and at last nights q and a i thought he was getting hot under the collar, or just didn't like the questions
It’s so early in the season, it’s a bit mad to think of sacking him. Sounds like it was really poor again today though. The squad is looking poor atm, with Connell out and Cundy/ Mccarthy out and with question marks over them. We need a CB and a striker. Let’s judge him once we have them.