Sorry, I was responding to 'I don’t see why anyone would choose to lose millions of their own money and be so unpopular if there was another way.'
I know what you were responding to, but I don’t get why you specifically mentioned the Crynes? I was referring to the general consensus that the club is losing money, possibly a bit green and might need a bit of help. I’m getting that you’re not keen on the Crynes for whatever reason, but I’m talking about the club ownership collectively, however it’s made up. Could they do better? Definitely? Could Dennis be the golden ticket? Who knows? Have they asked him? Has he offered? Do they like him? Again, who knows? It’s all speculation on both our parts.
Install a MANAGER and let them get on with MANAGING the first team, entirely (formations, selections, recruitment etc etc).
To be fair, when I was arranging the HOF evening many years ago, I was allowed to invite JD. And in lockdown, I asked the club if I was able to induct John and Ernest, and to interview JD. I’m not saying I know anything about the Cryne/Dennis relationship as I genuinely just cracked on doing my job without involving myself in any politics. But when I ran these ideas past board members, I was always given the green light to celebrate the Dennis era. The things I’m proudest of from my time there were all the historical elements. Launching the HOF, the Alumni, renaming the two stands, the memorial wall, Rimmo Day (did that happen last weekend by the way?). FWIW, I thoroughly enjoyed JDs company. I was just as impressed when spending time with PC. Two blokes who - in my humble opinion - did their best for their club. I am sure those owning the club now have the best intentions. And I hope those entrusted with running it for them do so successfully.
I don't get where this John Dennis idea is coming from. Has he been connected to league football administration in the last 30 years? How could he possibly still be in touch with what's needed in the modern game?
Football has changed massively in the last 30 years. I like John he still attends oakwell but I don't think he would be interested or the man for the job.