Think you can probably knock 1.5 million off Winnall & 2 million off Hourihane & Bree but rest seem about right
You think we got £4m for Bree and Hourihane combined? We deserve to bust if that's the case and the plan is definitely failing. However, I heard it was more in the region of £9m for the pair.
In the Q&A session, Gauthier when asked about break even figures, although wouldn't quote a figure, I'm sure he said the club was no longer losing money with a few things factoring into that such as increased commercial activity.
I think people/club/Hecky acknowledge that last year was a wasted opportunity but could not be avoided as nearly all of the players were out of contract at the same time. That was a mistake which hopefully looks like it has been rectified. A year from now some of the new players will be worth good money. As an earlier poster mentioned, we need to try and see past this bad run. given that this is a whole new team if we are still in the Championship at the end of the season this will have been a success.
Surely it is the opposite. The 'plan' suggests that we only go to the casino when we can afford to gamble. The logic of spending more than you have in the hope that you might get promoted is what people against the plan are clamouring for. The only alternative to what we are doing is to somehow find another 6-8K supporters to turn up every week and even then there is no guarantee (see SWFC). Hard work & patience might be a bit boring for some, but is the only realistic/sustainable option we have.
Well Bree would have gone to tribunal in any case so we would have got what he was worth - in theory. If we received so little for Hourihane it just strengthens the argument that we should have held onto him and at least tried to finish in the top six.
6-8k supporters won't make a blind bit of difference. Wednesday don't pay five times the salaries we do because their attendances are 80% higher. Otherwise we'd be paying 10 ten times what Burton pay. I haven't seen anyone clamouring for us to spend what we don't have.
Terry I bet you're sat down laughing you whatsits off.I can see you now sat there with a big cigar and a double JD and coke.In fact if you had 3 hands there would be a fishing rod in the other.You probably know more about the running of a football club than anyone else on here.I congratulate you on "The biggest wind up post of 2017".
I don't know where the money has gone - but I would guess that if Patrick kept all the £££millions from the recent player transfers - then Barnsley Football Club would still be owing him many more £££millions for all the money he has put in. I truly hope that Patrick is able to sell the club and not be out of pocket. In fact - if he made a bit of money on the sale then that would be great.
You obviously have better contacts than me , my source indicated that the fee for Houriane was in the the region of £3 million & £1 million for Bree , but these could rise with sell on clauses & other add ons , but to be honest people speculate with figures & unless you see an actual transaction on a balance sheet we are all none the wiser
Agreed x1000. He should have been made to see his contract out. Letting him go in the position we were in was madness.
According to the Birmingham mail at the time we got around £7million for bree/hourihane with the larger percentage of the fee being spent on bree, sithi.
I've no evidence to back my thoughts up, but I'd be surprised if we have actually received more than £5 or 6 million for the stated players so far. Purely on the assumption that payments are now often staged over the duration of the contract they have with the buying club. I'm more certain that we haven't received the whole monies.
That is indeed true, but also means that the money that we pay out is also staggered in the same way. Its all relative. Income and outgoings.