I'm 34. I graduated university in 2007, straight into the biggest recession in nearly a century. I spent seven years working in the public sector, pretty much all of which was under austerity. I think I got a pay rise in my first year and then it was cut back to 1% annually thereafter, working alongside people who'd been happily banking above-inflation pay increases for a decade. Got out of that and set up my own business in the hospitality industry. It went well, so I took a risk and threw everything I had at a move to larger premises. In late 2019. If my previously successful business even lasts until September then it'll be set back years. If it doesn't then I'll be bankrupt, homeless and looking for a job again, after five years essentially out of work, at the beginning of the second 'once in a generation' recession of my twelve-year working life. And I can't even follow my dream and move abroad (which was always in my plan for the next five or so years) because of bloody Brexit. Still, at least I've got plenty of time to learn some new skills at the moment!
But we don't know how bad it would have been if lockdown hadn't happened do we and I would rather be alive and worrying about whether it was necessary than dead along with millions of others.
Let’s do that then too. It’s only an extension of exactly the same logic by which schools are currently closed.
Excuse me but I'm 68 and far from 'had' my life thanks very much. I voted Remain, continue to pay Income Tax as I have continuously for over 50 years, and have my son and his family living with me. I owe you and your like nothing. And neither do those now in their 90s and beyond who, at the ages you're advocating for, were putting their lives literally on the line for 6 YEARS. Fighting for the freedom to allow people like you the right to now regard them as disposable. I was always taught to respect my elders. It was an important, and correct, way to behave. Sadly no more.
So...just to get this straight...the op's post boils down to... If you're old, tough luck, f**k off and die. Oh...and it seems that the same applies to those who are not old but have underlying medical conditions. Just so that youngsters can go out with their mates for the rest of the summer.
What gets me the most on this thread is that folk have decided that the working class In society will pick up the bill. Get your heads straight and make sure that those that can afford to pay more indeed do. Put the right people in power and you might stand a chance. The rich were the ones to contribute more to bring the economy back during and after the 2nd world war. You get what you reap. Lay down and die or fight. ( none of this they’ll leave the country ********.) It’s them or you that will suffer. What would you prefer. If It’s the prior then make it happen it’s in your hands. Don’t worry they’ll not starve. The defeatists have thrown the towel in ( makes my blood boil) don’t let it happen to you young uns.
"Respect your elders" is ******** to be fair. It should be "respect everyone until they prove themselves to be undeserving of respect". No-one should be deemed more worthy of respect than anyone else purely based on age.
Did you like your student grant? How much did you owe when you left Uni? Got your own house? How much was the first one?
The callous ******** in this thread can **** right off. Just when you thought it was impossible for people to sink any lower.
Yes that's the only thing with his "excellent" post that i disagree with. Used to hate it as a school kid when the teachers called me by my surname.
No. You're being deliberately obtuse. Or stupid. I'll spell it out. The younger age group have in the main observed the rules but its time to relax the rules for them. If youre old and or medically vulnersble stop trying to apply the same draconian rules, you play the cards youre dealt. Here's another, Ive looked after my health for 47 yrs, Ive never smoked, Im meticulous with my diet, I excercise regularly, Ive a strong immune system and Im convinced Ive actually had CO-19 contracted from a visit to London and using the tube, but I cant go to work and start paying taxes again. Im not being a c.nt about it tho like some 'stay home cos you're killing my family' types on here.
I like that phrase a lot. Respect everyone until they prove themselves to be undeserving of respect. It's miles better than that nonsense about earning respect.
I had to watch my son pass away from a respIratory disease last year be careful what you wish for.It will live with you forever!
Uni? uni lad, straight darn pit, Mr n ar lass worked hard for what we have now, no mortgage & both retired.
I finished uni about 20 years ago: I still owe a little bit. I have my own house, still owe 90 grand on it (had to pay an ex husband off so is re-mortgaged) I'll never be out of debt.
Have to agree on that statement. My parents taught me the same and to treat everyone how you wish to be treated. Some older people I would rather have pissed on than respect as they were pillocks to say the least. And thought it was an entitlement. There are lots of the older generation that do not deserve respect. I do understand why the comment was made though. As young uns most did deserve respect (good people with good intentions) just not all. When I was a young un I used to travel to matches on double decker to matches from Wellington at jump. ( private hire) one owd bugger to told mi dad I was spitting out of the sliding window upstairs. Lying get . My dad took his word over mine as they would in them days being older like. Got a right rollicking. Best about it as I explained to my dad. I was getting fresh air as I used to get travel sickness. As he bloody well knew I as was always having to get off at worbro on way to tarn, him and mam included. Before I threw up all over the seats, , Still the best parents I could have wished for. By the way. Mi dad mi best mate.