If you want to find out where the virus originates this is worth a read: https://www.scientificamerican.com/...wn-viruses-from-sars-to-the-new-coronavirus1/
It was reported in the German papers yesterday and confirmed by the German government and the laboratory in question. - who are negotiating with other governments but have refused the country exclusivity that Trump was demanding. (Apparently this is common practice for urgent medication). Now that we have politically left the EU and the EMA, who would certify any potential vaccine for use in the UK?
Coronavirii are a source of the common cold (not the only virus type that causes one). Are we immune to the common cold? - Actually, we *could* be immune to some of the 200+ virus strains that can cause cold, but it isn't guaranteed. Suggestions from research suggest that 14% of those who catch COVID are not immune and develop a second case.
In theory people who catch the virus either survive it by defeating it with antibodies or die from it and the virus will die with them. IF they are isolated for the duration between catching the virus and the eventual outcome be it recovery or death then the virus die out as it cannot survive without a host and has to find a suitable host to invade, replicate and continue to exist. That is the theory anyway. Any recurrence would result from coming into contact with another infected host and possibly only then if it has mutated.