From the ice-age to the dole-age There is but one concern I have just discovered : Some girls are bigger than others Some girls are bigger than others Some girl's mothers are bigger than Other girl's mothers
Who decided at dearne valley farm to use grilled tomatoes instead of tinned on an english. Grrrrrrrrr IS the pope a catholic. Do bears only **** in woods. Does thi mam always know better than thi dad. How long. is a piece of string. Why doesn’t money grow on trees. Why doesn’t time take a rest. And actually stop for a moment. Why can’t I do anything right. for doing Wrong. “Anyone else married.”
That seems quite sensible to can get sustenance from an animal without having to lose it by killing it
If a tree fell over in a wood with no one there would it make a noise? If you were travelling at the speed of light in the dark would your headlights work?
Answer to question 2: No it doesn't reduce the amount of alcohol - that can't be diluted. As for the effect on you - it will depend on how quickly you drink it. If you drink it at all the same time it will probably work quicker on the body than in a more concentrated form. However, the liver may be able to metabolize it more easily. The short term effect on the brain is that it will release dopamine, which gives you the "half hour high" but that level then drops to below what it was and you need to drink more to achieve the feeling, but it's not as high as the last time. Keep drinking and it will depress your nervous system and you will eventually pass out.