There was an interesting article I read yesterday about attitudes around protection - basically it was a global survey of how people would react to certain situation - would they kill a child or an old person, man or woman, etc. The results were that in individualist societies (like the UK), children were prized higher than older people, women more than men. However, in collectivist societies (like China), the older people were regarded higher than children. In all parts of the world, except South America, women were prized higher than men...
That's a very old-fashioned outlook on the world, Nudge. Women should be allowed the same choices as men, and men the same choices as women. There's no reason not to.
I can't (well, obviously, I can) believe that some people genuinely don't think women who can pass the tests and prove that they are capable of doing the job shouldn't be allowed just because they are a woman. To specifically address @Young Nudger's points: * To be perfectly honest, women don't really care what you want. You being squeamish about the idea of women choosing to do something dangerous isn't a good enough reason to stop half of the population doing a job they might want to do. * You are presuming the woman is going to get in the way and need rescuing. I'm pretty certain the men working alongside the women will know exactly how capable they are as they will have passed the same tests and will have each other's backs. * I can't believe I'm having to type this but if the reason you think women shouldn't be allowed a chosen career is because they may get raped by men, then it's the men who are going to have to no longer do that job. Also, I could get raped walking down the street but I'm not going to stop walking down it.
Very well said, JamDrop. Could not agree more. This thread should be closed with this as the final post, really.
The reason is - men are generally much faster and stronger. Plus I wouldn’t want to see women crawling through mud with a knife to kill the enemy. I have respect for women - and if that makes me old fashioned then so be it. If women can do the same as men - why arnt there any women in the Barnsley football team ???
Telling a woman she can't do something she wants to do isn't having respect for her. You want to make it illegal for over 30 million people to do a job, even if they can prove that they are perfectly capable of carrying it out, for no other reasong than it makes you feel squeamish. There is nothing respectful about that whatsoever, you need to acknowledge that you have deep seated prejudices and work to change them, not limit people to fit your own viewpoint that is based on nothing but old fashioned sentiment.
Most people: "as long as can do job, no problem." Young Nudger: "man big, woman small. Man save woman. Woman not save man." I hope that clears it up. Enjoy the popcorn. Im going to get some too
In actual fact women have worked with the SAS on attachment for years, there are some jobs they can do that hairy Special Forces men can't. I read one story from the Troubles in Ulster in the early 80's. Intelligence sources had been tipped off that one IRA unit was planning a major attack .. Sources told them that a couple of Ford Transits had been to the suspects address, dropped off a large number of bags, and heavy plastic sacks, indicating the attack was imminent. It was decided to have one last look before the SAS team went in. An extremely courageous young woman Intelligence Officer went on public transport to the estate in question with a shopping trolley and just a 9mm pistol for protection and proceeded to walk through the estate and past the suspect house....job done, she got on the next bus available at the other end of the estate....and reported that the the IRA team were actually building a new wall at the back!!
When times get a bit feisty - women might come to your rescue. But I don’t want them to come to mine.
I think you should write a sitcom. It may actually be moderately entertaining... in a George and Mildred kind of way.
That's fine, but I'd be ashamed of myself if I held views like that. Women are more than capable of doing jobs such as this. There are plenty in the fire service which is a physically intensive role. It's 2018 not 1918.
Fooooooooooooking women should know their fooooooooooking place. Only those foooooooooooookers who don't fooooooooooooooooking think for themselves would fooooooooooooooooooooking disagree. Yorkshire Foooooooooooooking Tykes. Why didn't we sign Ollie Foooooooooooooooooking McBurnie?