Sounds like they forgot to turn a happy Jimmy Ruffin's microphone on. Wouldn't quibble with that, although it's more up the wife's street.
That starts with a bloke shouting "Wipeout" plus there's a yell or two going on. Disqualified, if somewhat nice and lively and a bit drum soloish.
Don't mind a bit of old English. But eventually on this track they set the cat on fire, and then celebrate its death.
I'm pissed enough to like that, actually. Gets witch wicked after a while in thwe middle.. Probably liable to be banned soon as sexist.
Went to var and yes it was ruled out lol but seeing as I'm playing the high press I come back with this lol
You need to revisit the term "instrumental". Is there a Focus song that doesn't involve a bloke yelling like he's got a red hot poker up his jaxxy?
Stuff like this is still classed as instrumentals, I can assure you! Sampled vocals that tend to be largely difficult to understand or non musical are instrumentals.