Cucumbers and courgettes are actually a slow moving mollusc, but scientists realised if they classified them as such vegetarians would have nothing to eat so they defined them as a vegetable.
When the Ice Age ended and the glaciers receded, the detritus that remained was collected from far and wide by prehistoric tribes and piled up in a central location. Over time, these rocks were worn down by the elements until little remains, other than the heap that we now call Hillsborough.
Scientists have long since known that smoking is actually good for you, but they're also aware that it makes you look cool. They didn't want preachy, self-obsessed, broccoli munching nut jobs basking in the reflected glory of cigarette smoking, so they claimed it was bad for you resulting in only genuinely cool people doing it.
Your foot is exactly the same length as the distance between your elbow crease and the base of your hand
It would but there would be calls for it to be put in a separate section as it wasn't all about football.