If only we had a leader like New Zealand eh. It should be easy to cater for all season pass holders so they can go to every game if it's 30 percent capacity.
What about those folks behind her? Different audience to Oakwell! Green hair and red top, looks like fancy dress at Headingley.
I bloody love living in Headingley, I can guarantee that no one would look twice or pass a comment no matter what colour hair I had.
My point being I can’t see a blanket opening of stadiums for a long while. I shall attend every game I’m allowed to. Can’t see the government allowing grounds to be used to their full capacity for quite a while. Irrespective and irresponsible. Till they feel it’s safe. Not willing to risk another Cheltenham or Liverpool for a time.
I'm presuming they've capped the number of season ticket holders, due to the uncertainty of how many the people the stadium will be able to hold. Middlesbrough have done the same, and I'd imagine a few other clubs too. I did wonder when I saw how many season tickets we'd sold, whether the board had considered how reduced the capacity might be.
Chances of any fans being allowed in from October are slim, given the pilot events were pulled last week. I don’t know what the club have advertised / promised with these passes, but would assume there’ll be a period of people having to book their seats and those with season passes that miss out being offered an ifollow code + priority booking for following game, or a refund for equivalent of one match.