He is NYR. Imagine..a Notts red Tory being mayor of yorkshire.. !? I'm sure William Hague is on the left of DJ
I have made it fairly evident on here on previous brexit debates that i was a committed remainer. I simply stated that the article you put forward was not in itself 'far right-wing': i think that's plain for all to see. So here's my actual opinion on it. Yes the author has an agenda, he's a brexiteer. I agree with his argument at the start that brexit will cause a multitude of problems for a multitude of reasons. However i'd say this is deliberate on his part as it is an attempt to draw validity to his closing pro-brexit arguments. As citizens being a part of the EU offered us as individuals a safeguard: then there were none.
Being in the EU and accepting the unregulated freedom of movement from within has already created a low skill and low paid environment amongst a overwhelming percentage of migrants into the UK from the EU often on zero hours contracts and a poor working envirobment.
I didn't call anyone right wing. Except the Adam Smith Institute and they call themselves that. Peter Notth would describe himself as a neo liberal libertarian which is code for extreme views. Not sure how that reflects on you.
I'm pretty firmly in the couldn't care less brigade on Brexit these days. . So a genuine question. If we go no deal Brexit and it costs say a million jobs and sends us into recession while food prices rise by 30 to 40 percent would you want us to rejoin the EU or would you think it was worth it?
When Scotland breaks away .. the all lot will fall down imo.. Maybe England will rejoin eu at a further date.
Been outside it and.having it imposed.on us to.trade.will.strangle us You.cant.change the.rules if a club if youre not.in the club
I think we will probably go running back and have to accept the Euro losing all our 'beneficial' agreements. In the medium term that may not.be a bad thing. In the short term I have kids to feed. It may of course play out very differently if we sensibly go for the Norwegian solution which honours the ref but allows us to avoid economic collapse. If Starmer were leading negotiations I'd say there was a chance of a sensible solution. Can't say I have any confidence in the tories to do it.
under current EUrules, EU countries cannot make separate trade deals with individual member states or non-EU countries. So a world whereby 6 or 7 billion people exist and we restrict ourselves to the EU. Is it not in the realms of possibility that we could actually be a success?
Crossed wires. I wouldn’t take much notice of that he tends to be overdramatised to provoke a reaction.