Given Conway's utterances from the day of the takeover and after I don't see why fans would wish to set great store by anything said in meetings designed to placate the supporters. The only language these owners will understand is fans withdrawing their custom. That will be too much for many loyal supporters, so they will feel able to carry on with their disrespectful ways.
Yeah don’t get me wrong, I think it has to happen as there’s a level of expectation around it now. But being realistic, how’s it gonna pan out? Is he going to agree the 750 was morally wrong and agree to pay it back? Is he gonna put his hands up to neglecting recruitment? Is he gonna take personal responsibility for Oulare or two catastrophic managers? Is he gonna discuss an exit plan that puts community first? Is he gonna do any of those things? I just can’t see it. And if it’s none of those things, quite honestly I’m really not that ar$ed
Glad it's not just me. Presumably for @Gally to say he's certain he's spoken to both parties directly?
The same reason they screwed a reduction in the original asking price out of Cryne junior they are corporate vultures who want something for nowt or for as little as possible. They want to get as much profit out of owning BFC as possible and one way of doing that is paying as little as possible for it.
No they'll blame the covenant or covid or the lease for the ground. They won't be honest the only thing they've been honest about is errrrrr nothing.
It relates to the 6m quid Patrick was owed by the club at the time of its sale. My guess is he either offered to delay the loan given the imminent relegation or the valuation of the club was based on being in the championship and arrangements were made to pay the money back if promotion happened at the first attempt. When the promotion was far from guaranteed both parties agreed that down to a 3.5m payment. The 750k was the first instalment. The court case relates to the rest. There is no disagreement between any of the owners over this payment and where it came from. I am certain of this. If Patrick took his money up front (which was a fraction of the money he pumped in over the years) would we be up in arms? Some of course would, some would see it for what it is.
So what exactly did the 80% mob pay for the club is the £6 million you mention a separate amount from the purchase price or is it the purchase price.
I'm stepping in to a world beyond my paygrade/knowledge base here. But my understanding in layman terms is below: - Patrick was still owed money from the loans he'd put in over the years. Likely above the £6m he agreed on top of the original sale price - He could have taken this from the balance sheet (swelled by the John Stones money) but chose to defer the payments based on our precarious Championship position - That £6m additional fee was reduced to £3.5m when promotion wasn't guaranteed - The £750k was the first installment of that. The court case is about the rest - It was agreed at the time of the sale, between Patrick and the ownership group, that this additional fee could come from the the football club. Considering it could have come from the football club originally Like I said. Doesn't make the £750k any less palatable but does give a different view of it. I guess if the balance sheet had been wiped clean at the point of sale then we wouldn't have kept the squad together as much as we did and like most relegated clubs would have been forced in to more sales than just Bradshaw (Summer) and Potts (January).
- It was agreed at the time of the sale, between Patrick and the ownership group, that this additional fee could come from the football club. How do we know that? Has something else come to light recently on this? And if it was agreed why didn't the 80% era just take the rest from the club rather than going through a court case?
Gally confirmed this. Which I shared in my previous post. The money isn't there to just take is my guess and would leave us even weaker on the field (plus they're disputing it because of the challenge with the council and the state of Oakwell). I can't answer one off questions anymore tonight. Not being rude. I've just got a work presentation to get finished by 1am and only took a break on here whilst I had a cup of tea!