Why are these Blackpool fans asking where all the Premiership money went? I don't get that either. Move on people.
On my day to day life? None. On an interest/hobby/passstime I've had for 45 years? Significant. I don't believe what has happened to £30 million+ of player sales is insignificant, I don't think it's a tiny detail. I question those who think it's such. I don't mean that you should feel the same. It's just to me it is. And the main reason it is, is that I've spent significant amounts of time and money invested in this club, major parts of my life, and the calculator I've got makes **** all sense of any of it. And when inanimate objects start asking you what the **** is going on, I think it's ok to ask the animate ones.
You're spending too much time thinking about the mechanics of running a business that you literally have no clue about. Stop, watch some tele, read a book...
Again, personal digs. I didn't make any towards you. I've just asked questions. I have never claimed to know anything, I've been absolutely clear that I don't, so why are you taking this personally, why are you trying to discredit me? What is going on? Why are you making me out to be a tw@t when I haven't been anything of the sort? What am I asking that is provoking this reaction?
You have absolutely no idea what I do and don't know. Why are you trying to stop me asking questions?
Me too. I don't pretend to understand it very much but I would like those who do to be able to give an indicative view of whether we're League One forever or in a position to get promoted and actually build.
This isn't a discussion though, it's just questions, there's no opposing points of view, no information from anyone who knows anything. To discuss something at least one party needs to have a basic knowledge of the subject, no one here does about this.
Well I have seen some over reactions but you have just won the gold medal , I have not taken anything personally , I have no desire to discredit anyone & you can go through every single post I have ever made & never ever suggested you or anyone else is a tw'@t, I never give out any personal insults but it is obvious you are ultra sensitive & shall not bother engaging you again , goodbye
You're probably right. But it shouldn't offend you that I actually am asking these questions should it? If you're concerned about how I spend my time, if you love me and think I should put my efforts into something where I have more chance of finding a resolution, then fair enough, but I don't think we've got that relationship. At the moment, you're spending just as much time as I am in trying to stop me asking these questions. I can justify my time, I'm interested and I want to know, why are you trying to stop me doing that? Why are others? Good luck with this by the way, you can't win.