Just as an aside to this, for my dissertation on the BUF when at college, I was lucky enough to meet and interview as a primary source, a man who was at the meeting referred to (1936) and was proud to be counted as one of a number of Barnsley men who waited for Mosley and his blackshirts to exit the Hall before showering them bricks and bottles. How times have changed,,,,we vote for them now!!!
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-51055219 "Iran plane crash: Western powers suggest missile downed jet"
https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=20/02/cr8o.jpg Lots of evidence pointing to shrapnel damage on the downed plane from possible proximity missile .
Cynicism shines through. https://www.newsweek.com/iranians-shot-down-ukraine-flight-mistake-sources-1481313
If Iran have accidentally fired a missile at a plane, it makes me wonder if they'll be a bit more careful with nuclear missiles when they finally perfect the technology??
*If* a missile was responsible I can't imagine that someone in the Iranian military mistook a passenger jet on a course out of Tehran airport for a US plane. As I understand it the range of these missiles are just 8 miles or so, so they'd know full well what was on that flight path. Seems more likely there was a technical/human error and it's gone off by accident.
Obviously I'm just speculating but I would guess that it's either iran thought that American officials were on board fleeing the country or that it was shot down deliberately in an attempt to blame the other side.
If you want to guess in those terms, then there's a thousand things you could come up with. e.g. Jealous Jamshid the manic man on the missile trigger wanted to stop his sex crazed Ukraine bound wife joining the Mile High Club
Your post #69 supposes that "Iran" in a kind of generic way is in charge and controlling it all. Iran is one of those countries where you can't assume such things.
I'm more for the confused excited semi-scared macho patriotic itchy-fingered local artillery commander theory. Just a guess.
Hmmm so now the evidence is clear Iran have admitted they shot it down by mistake. That’s a hell of a mistake if their equipment and military can’t tell the difference between a 737 and a US bomber that’s a big concern. That said I guess someone was very twitchy on the trigger due to recent US behaviour but even so that’s unacceptablr
https://www.britannica.com/event/Iran-Air-flight-655 its not as if its the first time the military have mistakenly downed a passenger plane
Harsh revenge, human error,176 families still grieving, WHY. The Worlds fooooked. COYR, if ya goin av a great day.
Whilst the mounting evidence left them little choice but to own up, the official statement put out is fullsome and clear and, IMO at least, marks a departure from the type statements that are often put out in these situations. No excuses made and promises to 'update their system', suggesting that they lacked the technology at the local level to identify a civilian aircraft transponder signal. Sounds like a local commander 'panicked' Given their heightened status re the US perceived threat it is not dissimilar to a 'friendly fire' incident. It is a tragic and unneccessary waste of life but then military confrontations are always just that. Hopefully that draws a line under the latest spat and things can calm down. Nevertheless Tonjytyke has a good point about who controls the nuclear missiles should Iran eventually acquire them.