Only what my Archaeologist friend says. But he's Wednesday fan, so when he says there are massive charcoal manufacturing sites, he probably means one guy once burnt some wood there ages ago.
Here you go, a bit more info here.
I desperately tried not to like this, I tried not to laugh, I tried to ignore it But couldn't. I am a bad non-pc person and am ashamed. But I did laugh I apologise
There is a round stone tower structure on Hound Hill, the steep hill from Ward Green road to the deer farm, anyone on here know anything about it? Someone once told me it was from Roman times (patently not) but I've always wondered what it's origins are. I believe we were a Roundhead stronghold, particularly around Worsborough and Ward Green, and that's why just off Vernon Road is Cromwell Mount.
I take it back, further investigation says that the manor house on Hound Hill was a royalist garrison
One of the first battles of the Civil war was on Tankersley Moor "(Earl of) Newcastle sent a considerable party into the west of Yorkshire, where they met with about 2000 of the enemy's forces, taken out of their several garrisons in those parts, to execute some design upon a moor called Tankersley Moor, and there fought them and routed them; many were slain, and some taken prisoners." Following their victory at Tankersley, the Royalists went on to capture both Rotherham and Sheffield. If you go into Tankersley church they’ve got some cannon balls in a glass case that were dug up in the 1920s that are from that battle.
I didn't know it until you asked the question and then I just asked a mate who's an archaeologist where to find info and then had a dig. There's a reason I've got no work done this morning!
While we're on abart Hound Hill, take a close look at the roadside as you go up to the junction. On the right hand side are stones that were part of the original packhorse trail.