I'd heard it is nowt really, just a bit of frippery built into the landscape by Thomas Wentworth of Wentworth Castle. I think the obelisk at Birdwell is part of the same "vistas" scheme.
If you walk through Wombwell woods, there are loads of interesting pits and old pathways. There are strange piles of stone that have been long since covered. There are also strange shapes in the ground around the trees in some areas that are reminiscent of a ploughed field. I definitely recommend a walk around the place, it’s a beautiful part of the borough. And you will happen upon some of the history. You may also see deer and other wildlife amongst the trees.
Loved reading through this thread. I had no idea about the tower on Hound Hill, I've walked past it a hundred times and always just assumed it was something agricultural
makes you wonder how much of our past "history" is buried old pit stacks, especially around this area as coal surfaced here so was fairly acsessible and wasnt deep mined as it was over towards doncaster
I phrased it badly but basically meant not to go poking around the archeology unless you know what you're doing