Is anyone else reading Dan Brown's books at the mo'?

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board ARCHIVE' started by Cazi, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. Gue

    Guest Guest

    tried the Davinci Code

    simply the worse book i've ever read. Badly thought out, poorly written and full of semi religious rubbish. Good advert for atheism if nothing else.

    Cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can rave about it, never mind it sell 50 million copies.

    Truly dreadful, won't touch anything written by him at all.
  2. Caz

    Cazi New Member

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    RE: tried the Davinci Code

    It's difficult to debate this without giving any of the story line away to those who have not read it yet. However, I am inclined to believe some of the theories Dan Brown puts forward as I have always thought the bible was just one big story book.

    Fantastic read.
  3. Gue

    Guest Guest

    I've read every single one of them. Love them all - brilliant.
    Have packed 14 books for my hols. I'll get through one a day - all the latest crime fiction, I can hardly wait. Roll on the holidays!(H)
  4. Gue

    Guest Guest


    It's same clap trap thats used without foundation for a thousand years if thats what you mean.

    Absolute nonsense IMHO.
  5. E.I. Addio

    E.I. Addio Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    RE: Just read "The Da Vinci Code"

    A good book.
    Poorly written (Style that is)
    Interesting concept.

    and... most importantly.... about 95% fact free.

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