My point was about there seems to be an obsession in self justification when to be honest it is simply the individuals choice & I get the feeling that what ever happens at the club between now & the season beginning most fans have made their minds up yet still feel the need have a pop & a moan & will never change their minds which again I will say that this is their prerogative but please change the record, the needle is stuck .
You do realise this is a Forum centred around discussion relating to Barnsley FC? Everything is going to seem repetitive.
The discount didn't even cross my mind. Nor did expecting anything reimbursement wise for the season we had. It was pretty horrific viewing though I'll give you that.
So you are saying I cannot comment on the repetitive comments on a subject on a forum ? Thats all I have done , if people do not agree with me thats fine but certain things get done to death & my opinion is this is one of them , you disagree well thats also fine , its about opinions .
Also interesting among our family we had 2 season tix last year; we’ve not renewed, but I’d expect our attendance to be very similar this season. There were prob a few winter night games we turned up last season purely because we already had tix, but it was close to an inconvenience to go.
It's really not a big deal. I speak from experience. I haven't had a season ticket now for the last two seasons after watching the club all my life and hitting 50 this year. I refused to buy a season ticket while Conway and Lee were still running the club. They've gone but I haven't bought one this season because I'm yet to be convinced by the new board. Not their fault, they simply haven't had time or situation to prove themselves. But I will go to some games this season. I wouldn't have if Conway and Lee were still running things. Dropping out of buying a season ticket hasn't ended my relationship with the club. There has been no anguish. I can pick this up again. And it has nothing to do with how many football matches we win. It has everything to do with attempting to win football matches. If that's what I see we're trying to do I'll come back, even if we're not actually winning many. Not buying a season ticket wasn't a major life choice. It wasn't to my detriment. It was disapproval at something I felt was entirely corrupt. Buying one again when I think things are right will be just as easy as it is for someone renewing.
Neerav comes from a culture where people support sports teams. I'd imagine he's amazed at some of the comments when speaking to those close to him.