Love The Hillies. Not played there for a while, but love how laid back it is and the layout. No pretentious "Golf Club" attitude.
To be fair Fonzie I've played many, many golf courses where there is no pretentious attitude including some of the top ones. I've also played a fair few where there is mind including some that didn't have much to be pretentious about.
I've read a lot about this topic and the Newcastle United takeover and you get the same false argument over and over again.....what about us selling them weapons, taking their oil etc, etc. The fact is that it's a dirty, multi faceted world. We sometimes have to bite the bullet and deal with unsavoury countries for the greater good both at home and internationally. We have to do deals with the likes of Saudi, UAE, Turkey, Russia and, yes, even America. In the case of LIV or Newcastle though there's no greater good imperative. It's just individual greed.
Thing is Wakey, even though the world should be far further down the path of not being reliant on oil we're not. That's the fault of s**t, corrupt politicians who take money from fossil fuel lobbies. She has a point though. Given that we ARE still reliant on oil who should we buy it off? Russia or the Saudis?
At one time he would never have got in the Ryder Cup team. Then again Britain and Ireland didn't win it much back in those days.
What he was taking issue with, and I agree, is the sanctimonious tone of her white paper which talks about ending the reliance on authoritarian regimes for energy, which is clearly not the policy at all. If in government you are saying you are doing one thing but are actually not doing it then you need to be called out for it- it’s basically lying.
I agree, Garcia is the one I'm most disappointed in, he loves the Ryder Cup.. Time will tell whether it takes off, I've a feeling it won't but the PGA will make concessions to keep the top golfers. It won't ban them for 20 years, look how meekly those six football clubs were treated with over here when the super league was proposed.
Where do people draw the line personally on which nations they choose to trade with as a result of country’s human rights records? One of the biggest critics of LIV has been Jack Nicklaus, a certain irony that the biggest project his golf design business is working on at the moment is a golf complex just outside Riyadh. As soon as golfers become professional then it is all about the money. it’s why Rory plays predominantly in the US and why other Europeans, with the right to play there, relocate. Professional golfers have, and still, follow the cash. You could argue that they have so much wealth they didn’t need to but the reality of life is that most (not all of us) when offered a bag of cash more for doing the same thing, will move. It happens in golf, it happens in football and it happens in many of our own careers. it’s easy to be judgemental when it’s somebody else.
isn't this the very heart of the problem though? individuals, teams, organisations, institutions, governments, justifying their position because 'others do it and it just happens'? these are people with individual choice. with more money already, than they will ever need. 'yeah but it's always been that way, others do it'...'I'm not a politician, I'm just here to play sport'...'it's for the growth of the game'...'we're doing what we can'...'they're an important partner'...'I don't know too much about all that'...'I'm just doing what's right for my kids future' etc et fkn cetera. just isn't good enough IMO. whether it's a golfer moving to LIV, or a player signing for Newcastle, or boxing promoters lining their pockets, or F1 swimming in pools of cash. it's indefensible. on a global humanitarian scale, it's indefensible.
Counter argument to this is that it isn’t doing the exact same thing. Yes it’s playing golf, but it isn’t the same level, format, competition. It’s selling out for tainted money at a time when the sport didn’t need it and some of the individuals didn’t need it. Turning their back on the game and tour that made them appealing to the blood money in the first place. I kind of understand it for someone like Stenson, as it is career changing money (he should just admit that), but the PGA should stand firm on this because the clout is on their tour. Stars are made from winning the best tournaments and they have the best tournaments.
Surprisingly, a course with totally welcoming members and no pretension was Ganton. The bunkers were welcoming too
Lol, yes. The bunkers welcomed you in with open arms...then kicked you in the nuts! Speaking of which have you played Woodhall Spa? Jaysus!!!! I'm six foot four and I disappear in a lot of them!
It is a great course but it massacred me both times I played it. I think the first time I needed a six foot putt to break 100 and, as it wasn't a comp, I gave myself a gimme. I love heathland courses, they're so natural, Alwoodley being one of my absolute favourites.
A lot of the bunkers had ladders. I’ve just said that and it sounds crazy but I think I’m right … am I ? Woodhall Spa always avoided me unfortunately or perhaps not ! Hillside has some mean bunkers ( that’s the one adjoining Birkdale isn’t it ?)
Parkland courses my favourite. Downfield in Dundee particularly. I can’t relate to people who say links are the best…..