I thing you should expect a visit from "The Childcatcher" <img src = "http://www.chittythemusical.co.uk/images/wallpapers/jason-stephen/800x600/wp-800x600-childcatcher.jpg"? or the NSPCC(lol)
I got the girlf's dad some Laphroig... he likes his whisky (spelling?). I had some, but all I could taste was smokiness, but not in a nice bacon of a morning stylee. Drinkable, but not worth paying for. I'm more of a vodka or aquavit man myself. Or a glass of red as per the here and now. And gin is the undrinkable one (not counting concoctions like Pernod, Blue Bols, etc)
Scotch is whisky from Scotland. Irish whisky is also referred to as Scotch by Americans. This helps them to distinguish it from rye whiskey like Jacks. Scotch and Irish whiskies are made using malted barley (hence terms such as "single malt").
RE: I got the girlf's dad some Laphroig... Highland Park is a good breakfast-time whisky. Laphroig is better after an evening meal.
RE: Scotch is whisky from Scotland. Scotch is made by smoking the barley on peat whilst Irish is smoked directly on the tiles, so Irish whisley has a smoother taste - and it's distilled 3 times, Scotch twice and Bourbon once. I like all types (well not blended Scotch) but single malts, Irish (Jameson) and I'll be bringing some Bourbon back from the States.