Its illegal to remove the animal from the road as it belongs to the owner of said road wich is usually the council who i gather have never charged anyone of this offence
Up where I work there are huge grain silos and trucks carrying the grain off to wherever. The grain gets sprinkled on the road as a result. This means it is not uncommon to have a flock of sulphur-crested cockatoos, perhaps a thousand strong, feeding all over the roads. As you can imagine, it is carnage. I have not tasted one as a) I imagine it might be flavoured with tyre and b) I could end up joining them.
I saw 5. That’s 5, dead badgers roadside within about a mile in North Yorkshire land. There’s either some kamikaze badgers in North Yorkshire, or cnts are culling and strategically placing as roadkill.
Cobra (Shelby) Barracuda (Plymouth) Beetle (Volkswagen) Fox (Volkswagen) Manta (Opel) Mustang (Ford) Viper (Dodge) Bluebird (Nissan) Robin (Reliant) Colt (Mitsubishi) Stag (Triumph) You're welcome
Are you for real, it's food mate get it gobbed there's people going to food banks in this country and people starving in other countries if you see anything like pheasants, deers, rabbits or woodpigeons pick them up and let me know I'll gladly take them off your hands and make a meal fit for a king with them.
Picking dead animals up off the road taking them home and eating them is plain weird. Go to the Asda or the Butchers.
If they've been hit by cars you don't need to gut them as they've already shot out the arse on impact.
It’s not for me but I’ve got no problem with people doing it. It’s better than seeing a dead animal on the road for ages. A couple of months back there was a dead fox in the middle of the road between Ardsley & Darfield for about a fortnight. I don’t think anyone’s eating foxes but I’d much rather it was taken away than gradually getting pecked away at by birds for weeks on end.