Just another case of them saying something and doing another. Tbh just a continuation of the mediocre input since they took over. It’s made up a decision for me now.
I bought it for the away ticket priority , which will probably only be an advantage if we need an away win at Brentford to stay up , unlikely but you never know .
I can't get my feckin breath !!! What are they going to do, shove a bicycle pump up their arses and inflate. Did he see the long balls booted up to Chaplin last Saturday? It was like watching creche kids against giants. Why do we always react when it's too late. We've forgotten how to be proactive. Anyway it's too late Dane. We are fu.cked this season with all our teeny tinies.
I spoke to the media guy afterwards and he seems really genuine. I told him about a current ST holder who has had a ST for 49 consecutive seasons and said it would be nice if the club recognised his 50th. He was really grateful and said they only had records dating back to when Ticketmaster took over and he'd definitely be rewarding him for his loyalty...
Be interesting to see what benefits happen with this one too. This is an upgrade on a Reds Reserved Membership (season ticket). Your pass, for all 23 home league fixtures plus a host of additional benefits. By upgrading, Reds Reserved+ Members will recieve all the benefits of a Reds Reserved package plus a few additional perks, including enrolment into the Oakwell Moments scheme, bringing you closer to the Club*, and an enhanced welcome pack**. Prices for this Membership (season ticket) can be found here. Please note, a Reds Reserved+ upgrade is an additional £15 on top of the seasonal Reds Reserved price. It’s also worth noting that supporters who purchase this tier of Membership will not only be eligible to collect ‘Loyalty Points’, but also be given an initial allocation of 70 points as a reward. Throughout the 2019/20 season, supporters will receive Loyalty Points for purchasing a membership, additional home tickets, or away tickets. Upon purchasing each ticket, the respective 'alternative value' will be listed.
He mentioned the away ticket priority and said big allocations at most grounds had meant that hadn't turned out to be much of an advantage...
Yer doing a sterling job here Steve Wood - but remember - you are trying to explain things to people who’s lives must be horrendous - hence the down beat negative bile that’s been thrown your way.
Quite right, he could be calling him a ********, a ******** or a ********. It could even be a ******** which is quite a compliment in my opinion. However had he called him a ******** well that's just bang out of order. Personally I think he's a ********
Dont start - because if you need abuse throwing your way - then I’m up for that. But - you backed down last time - and you will back down again.
What we need on this message board is a total clear out of keyboard warriors. Because when it’s done - it might become quieter on here for a while - but genuine people might be tempted to come back once they have gone. TinaTyke.