Such as when that belief is used to dictate that ships are banned from trading on the religious days? Which was kinda what the thread was about
Other surveys suggest more than half of the population are non-religious and church attendance has declined by around 20% since 2011. I think he is wrong to suggest any policy is ungodly simply because it is a load of nonsense. Just because a load of other people believe the same nonsense doesn't make it less nonsensical, and adding weight to his opinion by claiming he speaks on behalf of the most powerful being in the universe is just a poor argument.
Looking at this thread the only people intolerant of others’ views are those who believe in science. It’s like they’ve some religious hatred toward non-believers. And they've no sense of humour.
You are. Eugenics isn't something that was perpetuated in the name of science - rather it is scientific principles applied for nefarious aims, and ironically Christianity has a large role in the historical origins and application of policies of eugenics. Insinuating that the field of science is somehow to blame for eugenics is beyond daft. It's like saying science is responsible for 9/11 because without science flight would be impossible.
Stephen Hawking didn't think it was possible for god to exist, and that is good enough for me. What I'm not going to do though is slate anyone for believing in a god.
Just for the record I've never been to church. I'm just interested by the blind faith of extremists - both religious and non-religious - who are intolerant of other views. To me, it's people like that who start wars
Precisely. There's both good and bad in any belief. Science has improved the world immeasurably and at the same time given us the means to annihilate it.
OK. Science is process of observation of the natural world, accumulation of knowledge and experimentation, that has improved the world immeasurably while at the same time has given us the means to annihilate it. Better?
Yes. And it proves why it's daft to try and draw any sort of equivalency with any belief system/religion.
Yes that's fine. That's why you can't compare Science and Faith they are completely different things. I say again, Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved. Religion is built on claims of moral authority and with threats of hell attempts to imposed itself on other in society. Science claims no moral authority and most scientists are content with the phrase "I don't know"