I understand your sentiments but weatherspoons emply over 40,000 people in the UK - majority of which will be working class. Would be nice if he sold the company mind...
Yeah I know mate, I was just making a point that they did nothing aggressive or violent and got 5 years whereas the piece of dog muck that punched a copper in the face got only 3 years. Something not quite right there.
It's quite ridiculous when you actually think about it. I suspect it's an incentive to reduce the cost of trying cases and wrap them up swiftly rather than actually merit sentences fitting for serious crimes.
And he doesn't care for any of those employees. I'll always use my morality as much as I can when I make buying decisions. Those who supported and championed brexit or bully or mistreat their staff, they are the easier end of my spectrum to make choices upon.
Fair point about Brexit, but he was misquoted about his staff in the pandemic. He didn't tell them to go and work in Tesco, he said that if they wanted to leave and work somewhere else like Tesco, he'd give them a decent reference - newspapers that reported it have apologised to him. The thing I really don't like about him is that he uses the free magazine to peddle his political views to his customers (mostly people somewhat hard of thinking) which may have been significant during the 2016 referendum. He argues that many employers told their staff to vote remain (I know that the boss of Jaguar Landrover did exactly that), the difference being that he didn't just try to influence his staff but the wider public.
He's gone through a closure programme the last few years. On our local forum there were several sources from former employees who had been treated especially badly when a site had its doors closed without any notice to staff and then issues getting wages etc.
I'm not judging the JSO in this thread but I agree, they were excessive. I doubt the Muppets intending on protesting tomorrow are thinking about JSO either, but if the threat of even a (paltry) 2 years behind bars makes them think about their behaviour then that's a small positive, yes? I think (hope) you know that's what I meant.
These racists are succeeding in taking our country back, economically, socially, culturally & historically. **** them. I've deleted nearly 50 people off my Facebook page in the last 5 days for posting racist crap.
The sentences handed out this week were all to guilty pleaders - so the tariffs all reduced by a third. None (to my knowledge) of the JSO protesters entered a guilty plea. I’d argue the sentences this week are too generous rather than the JSO ones being harsh though. On another note, Mrs Troff is home safe for those that were asking / concerned. Nothing has happened as yet in Donny. Her shop in Rotherham closed at 6pm on head office instruction though, based on something they’d heard was to happen in Rotherham. They aren’t that clever though, not too sure of anything outside London (some departments Dublin) so Rotherham might mean manvers again. Still closed it though. Donny is still open.
WHY, oh why cant people protest without aving a riot, the police do a job their paid to do, the poor shop owner watching his, her, property in flames just aint right. Jail a few more an it'll fizzle out all this nastyness, an the sooner the better. Not been watching the news its just so foookin depressing just lately mek no wonder peoples mental health problems are going through the roof. But on a lighter note the season starts in 2 sleeps an the Olympics are, an av been great.
Same here, Mark. Not quite such a high number, but a handful. And one lad in particular who I went to school with, it really surprised me. I’ve not seen him in years and like me, he very rarely posts anything on there. But last week he shared something from Yaxley-Lennon quoting it with “enough is enough”. Sad really. But you can’t educate these folk. I wouldn’t mind, but I would wager the amount of Muslims in Elsecar is pretty insignificant if at all. I live in a city with a huge Muslim population and I’m not out there rioting about it. Which says everything.
Wouldn't surprise me if there is very little far right action tonight. People currently on the streets are the counter anti fascist marches. Farage will think he's very clever......get the left on the streets and we can shout about 2 tier policing. Mastermind in his own backyard.
It’ll be interesting to see if they start smashing the town up. There’s a lot of local people who run shops & pubs. I know two individuals whose wives run businesses in the town who I wouldn’t want to upset. They might have more than the police to worry about if they start acting like idiots.
Just deleted and blocked an old work colleague on fb. He had shown some right wing sympathies which I’d ignored. But then posted something not exactly condoning the actions in Manvers but clearly being on that side of the fence: he then posted a picture and name of the ‘immigration minister’ and said none of these foreigners will live near him, to great applause from some of his friends. The picture was of Andrew Giles. A minister in the AUSTRALIAN government. The U.K. doesn’t even have a minister of immigration in so many words. And the closest thing we do have, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Migration and Citizenship, is a British born Indian origin Hindu. I pointed this out to him before jogging him on. Pillock.