We've been put on alert at the old mill Lane asda tomorrow as a potential stop off for the protesters. The GSM has been on a phone call this afternoon about the potential of shutting for a couple of hours but has been told by the bosses at asda house that shops won't be shut based on hearsay. I get that stance and probably agree with it but a lot of colleagues have been getting twitchy and I wouldn't be surprised if we get a speight of sick calls tomorrow
Nick Lowles who heads the organisation 'Hope Not Hate' suggests that the rumours and the list were hoaxes designed to spread fear and panic. Some people, in areas where trouble flared up previously might be tempted to turn up at some of the places mentioned. The list appears to have been compiled by a lone individual in Liverpool not matched by online chatter in far right groups. GCHQ will be all over this and I understand there have already been 3 arrests in Cumbria relating to online activity either promoting hate or encouraging public disorder. In the same way MI5 were active in trying to discredit Labour politicians in the 60s, it wouldn't surprise me if they had files on those whose political views might be labelled far-right.
I can see where they are coming from as well with that stance. MSM had us believe around 100 far right protests were happening tonight and thankfully that wasn't the case. But think how much money businesses, many already struggling will have lost by shutting all day or earlier based off hearsay.
I know this is a serious topic, but I must admit my first thought was back at the fan meething where the lad thought JAQ was American and she replied that she's Australian! Made me chuckle. I got rid off facebook yonks ago. So much better off without it mate. Only social media I have, including stuff like snapchat and all that, is Twitter - which initially I only got to follow the lads and others surrounding the club. Doesn't feel that way anymore.
This, I think is bang on the mark....the far right don't have enough hard-core activists prepared to risk arrest in order to organise more than an odd riot at the same time...assisted of course by useful local knob heads.
that’s the biggest issue’assisted by local knob heads’. There are too many idiots who just like the violence and ability to challenge the establishment as a mob. Few understand or have any strong political agenda or even understand what they are protesting. I would even say few understand how much of what they do damages their own community.