Narrowly missed out on the final in the world cup 3 years ago. Narrowly missed out IN the final in this Euros. Been a long time since we could even dare to expect that level. There’s another World Cup next year and this team goes into it with big tournament experience.
Nobody has slagged anyone off. Yes people are disappointed. It’s ok to give opinion on a message board, that’s what it’s for. When do you think it’s ok to suggest the penalty takers were the wrong ones etc. Shearer has just said the same, is he being bizarre?
Thing is with penalty’s there’s not usually much between the teams in play , In the cold light of day we not far off . The best team in the competition were taken to the penalty lotttery . this time next year ?
They were poor penalties to be fair, but they all are if they miss. Look at the Italian one, straight down the middle, poor if it's saved, genius when it goes in.
For me though Marlon it wasn't an unlucky defeat it was a game that we could have won if we'd been a little bit braver, we were by far the better side until we decided to sit back.
There's were all on target which is a good start. Think experience showed, particularly as they had to do it down the England end.
Plus we don't know if the other lads were up for taking a pen. I wouldn't knock anyone for having the balls to take a penalty. You should be prepared for flak if you miss the target though.
Exactly , But rightly or wrongly the manager is a defender , We not Italian where defence is paramount so IMO that’s the wrong attitude . Stones and McGuire were outstanding but too much pressure did us for the equaliser . Yes we were done again by a penalty shoot out but not in play ! We’ve been the nearly boys a few times but better that than also rans IMO . Dissapointing but at least we’re in it to win it .
I totally agree, it's just so frustrating losing after we had them rattled we should have stepped on their throats when we were on top.
Get your brass on Cavendish for SPOTY now! Kane and Sterling would have been contenders, but not now.
Social media is full of morons slagging off the young lads who missed. If you’re going to take your frustration out on someone (although there’s really no need!) surely you’d be more angry with the likes of Henderson and Walker. Experienced players who couldn’t get off the pitch quick enough to avoid taking a pen!
Agree with first part of your post. But I think to have a go at walker and Henderson is just as wrong.
Congrats Italia and England. Two great teams, both great the entire competition, only pens to separate them could've gone either way. Italy are back!!
I don't think Italy were better than us. I think we allowed them into the game like we allowed Croatia into the game in 2018. We were dangerous going forward and should really have tested the centre backs who weren't impressive at all. We could have had them but we were too negative, too lacking in confidence, no killer instinct. It was evident against Croatia and the Czechs. If the managers were on opposite sides tonight we would have won, and Southgate needs to work out how to use our great attacking talent because we wasted a lot of it this tournament.
Two best teams in the final both had the potential to win although Italy best team in the tournament . Just hope the nut jobs don’t take all the headlines but won’t hold my breath and the media coverage will give them oxygen . Majority of England fans will be disappointed but will behave but unfortunately the minority will grab the headlines to sell papers and atract adverts .