To be fair the window under conway last summer put the club back years signing players like cole,iseka,oulare,benson shocking... glad hes gone good riddence worse than risdale
i have some stories of that from JD (not for piblic consumption) will have to catch up if either one of us can be convinced to go back to Oakwell
It seems to me that the Conway strategy was not a bad one when he came. Bring players through on the cheap by use of statistical data and superior coaching and development, while seeing a steady improvement in the squad (stability in the Championship). Somewhere amongst it all, success on the field became secondary. A situation brought about by the premature sale of developing players without adequate replacements and the permitting of good staff to leave. The situation was exacerbated by Conway failing to promptly replace CEO's and assuming the duties himself while lacking in knowledge and ability. Where we find ourselves now is that many, if not most clubs now employ the data/statistical approach more successfully than we do, and I am unsure whether the coaching and development side of the club is still any good. I suppose it's hard to judge when the raw material coming in seems to have fallen in quality. At any rate, proper investment in the club is sadly lacking. Yes - the books have to be balanced, but that doesn't necessarily mean in the short term. I suspect the model we did (still do?) aspire to is only really workable at Championship level, so to my mind there needs to be immediate investment with a view to getting back there. Stability in that league is what we were promised five years ago, and the current Board don't seem to have set a strategy that will achieve that any time soon.
Since the club has been under Conway and his merry gang of investors losses have been: 2018/19 £3.4m 2019/20 £0.3m 2020/21 £4.3m 2021/22 £4m estimate The approach they adopted was anything but sustainable for a club with directors unwilling, or unable, to underwrite the losses. This season the club needs a financial reset which will be painful. All the cash from transfers of prior years has gone. Conway’s investors bought in to the theory and many supporters too. The sad reality has been somewhat different hence the falling out earlier this year.
If that was the case surely the club would have announced the Weston park thing weeks ago when they were getting criticism from fans. Makes little sense to hide that announcement till just before the match. This is one of the biggest problems with the club at the moment. Terrible communication. As an example at the open day they didn't bother to offer fans an explanation for no funfair, the only people who gave a toss to do so were you and loko. The haven't bothered to explain a lack of kits, pack of sponsor, anything. It's almost like they enjoy looking incompetent
Julie Quay was announced /asked ? to be a director of the club. The self proclaimed massive fan couldn’t even be bothered to come to the press conference. According to people on here it had been planned for over year The press conference could have been at any time of there wanting . And she couldn’t even be bothered to jump on a plane and fly over She could have flown here and back on the same day. I cannot thing of anything more disrespectful than being made a director of a company /business and not having the decency to come and visit it and show your face probably hasn’t got the slightest idea where Barnsley even is .
Not sure what you are talking about regarding it being any time of their wanting. The board room changes were voted on less than a week earlier. It was what? A 1-hour press conference max. She had one-to-one zooms chats with everyone at the press conference including @Sheriff who represented the Supporters' Trust. But you think wasting club funds on transatlantic flights for an hour press conference that she was involved in any way was a good use of club funds? I believe she's likely to be at the game on Saturday, by the way.
I still don't understand how the board changes were only voted on a week before when they've all stated that con way had a fixed term of 4 years as nominated representative. They bought the club in 2017 so why was he still their representative in May this year? Did they elect him as representative again? Completely forget that he was the representative? Forget that his term had ended?
I still don't understand how the board changes were only voted on a week before when they've all stated that con way had a fixed term of 4 years as nominated representative. They bought the club in 2017 so why was he still their representative in May this year? Did they elect him as representative again? Completely forget that he was the representative? Forget that his term had ended?
I don’t profess to know the answer but in May 21 we’d just had one of our best season’s ever and finished in the championship playoffs. Conway had still to have his second disastrous close season. On the BBS only Robert Goulet foresaw the consequences of it, so perhaps the board didn’t especially perceive what happening either.
I just think it was more complicated than you realise. There were several steps in the process as we had updates along the way each time some progress was made and when it got to the final step (presumably the vote). This was over months though.
Neerav did an interview with the Yorkshire Post last week? Not sure why we need to hear from the whole board more than once a season (if at all). What do you want them to say that hasn’t been said?
Also think that the last sponsorship deal has contributed to the difficulties as well. That wasn’t signed by anyone currently trying to secure a new sponsor.