So what do you suggest? Let a religon that kills people because of caricatures mocking it have free reign?
Assimilation is a fine line. You don't gain anything culturally, socially , economically by migrants full.on adopting the country they migrate to Bringing something of their own culture and traditions is invaluable.
I'm no fan of Macron but he's right to stand up for free speech and the freedom to draw any cartoon you wish.
Nothing has been learned from what happened five years ago with Charlie Hebdo. They have repeated the same mistake.
I dont recall those Jews going around chopping heads off for this Macron isnt the problem. Suggesting he is makes you part of the problem.
Therein lies the problem - if we are to dictate our freedoms, beliefs and policies based on who we should be most scared of, then its a race to the bottom isn't it? Whoever is the most uncompromising and violent wins, not a very inviting future is it?
The former leader of Malaysia and the current leader of Turkey have not exactly helped the situation.