I understand things like that, it was the way you said it. It smelled of “this is all ****** and I’ll do what I want”. “I haven’t followed a single rule”, etc.
Come on scholes, I love your passion for political change but this can't be the way mate. The cops can't recruit and are losing people by the shed load. It's become toxic and that can't be right. Let's take a step back here. The act is aimed at climate rebellion who have disrupted public transport. Go figure !!!??
ah sorry I’ve worded it badly that’s not what I meant at all my apologies. I had to weigh up my own family circumstances and the best course of action for us was to be as normal as possible for my family, I fully respected everyone else I was wearing masks in supermarkets 6 months before the become compulsory to protect mine
Like I've said and been vilified for on previous threads...... protests should be protests. No violence involved. I get your point that Police are trained ... The Town Hall as you call it was a peaceful gathering. No chanting. No violence. No agenda. Kids and families and people who just wanted to stand together to stop people who wanted to behave atrociously. Like those have earlier. At which point were my supportive actions bad? I've been shafted on here over the last few months....... I'll say it one last time ..... if I lived next door to you and your car or house alarm went off in the middle of the night I'd be the first one out of bed ..... Again I'm a dying breed cos I've a pair of ****** and know right from wrong. I can live with that..... can you ?
Are you talking talking about the ‘protect the war memorial’ demo a couple of weeks after the BLM demo?
It's irrelevant but yes it is. I've said it before I've not a racist homophobic sexist bone in my body. I try and stand for what I believe is correct. I don't follow any agendas. I think for myself. Previous threads over the months have had me get pelters....... Just heard "a pack of animals" about the folk attacking police in Bristol on the news a few mins ago....... I know which 'bunch' I'd rather be with Hang me ..... I know the truth
The maximum sentence for rape is life. The home office sentencing guidelines suggest a minimum of 5 years for a rape conviction. Scholes mate. I appreciate your passion but take a breath mate. We have the most liberal and sophisticated judiciary in the world, some of whom I know personally. Do you really think anybody is going to 10 years for a lawful protest? I know cops who would go to prison to stop that happening. It's complete scaremongering
No it doesn't. It says anyone caught defacing memorials could face up to 10 years in prison. We'd have some very full prisons if anyone protesting got 10 years.
But climate rebellion have right to protest I work on nuclear power stations I know all about them and as distributive as they are their voices are being heard and taking away our civil rights be making protesting illegal is frightening to me as the average person distracted by the dross they watch on tv has no idea this is happening and why tonight’s protest have happened and the right wing media will portray everyone out protesting as an antifa anarchist
My wife and I went to the BLM demo; nobody touched the war memorial so I don’t understand why others thought it was threatened. One protester even laid a wreath of poppies on it. All that happened at the BLM demo was people held placards and chanted, and we got fireworks thrown at us by some old racist in a white van. My wife and I also walked past the ‘protect the war memorial’ demo a week or two later on our way into town and she got racially abused for the crime of walking past minding her own business. I witnessed it.
I agree with the reasons for protest but in my eyes if you do it violently it looks bad and smears your argument as folk will think it's just a bunch of vigilantes
I get that but throughout history riots get results more than singing come by are and lighting candles unfortunately
Unfortunately not surprising at all.. and then the average larger lout wonders why footballers are taking the knee
We went. Was about 40-50 folk there. It was in response to the vandalism of statues around the country. Previous leaders of the country, royal family and prominent historical characters. It was a show of respect to history.
So why do I get regularly slagged off by some for standing silently and standing up for what I believe in rather than running riot and smashing the place up ?