What evidence is there to prove anything is his fault? Why does someone need to be at fault? What about innocent until proven guilty? - whatever he's meant to be guilty of. .
Hit the music boys....the good Dr Z is back .......alas.....only this time he's in disguise Or is it just my imagination..... Or do we have a copy cat serial poster ....doing his best to impersonate the good Dr..... It can only end in tears....
Yep. Tall bloke - extremely good looking - babe magnet - quietly spoken - highly intelligent - smart posh person wearing a tweed jacket sometimes with a flower in his button hole. Looks like an extra from Emmerdale. Will be with Fulham fans in town. Even so - you will probably want to buy me a pint of blonde if you see me.
How can you decide whether you want to read something, unless you read it? That's my problem with a lot of the negative posts on here - by the time I've decided not to read them my brain has already started to hurt.