Absolutely. Getting a bit of his own medicine. I hope the dose continues to be given out. Deserves all he gets.
I'm torn on the death sentence. Some say it isn't a deterrent. I'm not so sure. Some people equate The US with here. That's nonsense. They have the right to carry arms. And by doing so, the chances are more of murder, we don't. And advances in scientific evidence eliminate a lot of, if not, most mistakes. One thing I do know. If that poor young girl had been one of mine. I'd shoot the b'std missen. I get the fact someone innocent could be executed. That's why I'm torn on the subject.
I’m not torn. It would never work. The death sentence in most other countries isn’t what people think it is and it wouldn’t be here. Anyone sentenced to death would be in prison for years and years, through miles of red tape and legal shenanigans. There’d be fights to stop executions, fights to force them. Expense and litigation all the while. It is shown in many countries, not just the USA, to not be a deterrent whatsoever. There’s no sensible argument to bring such measures back to the U.K., it is barbaric anyway - though I’d consider it myself should there be any possible benefit. There isn’t. There would be no cost saving and space saving to the justice system, there’d be no reduction in violent crime due to the possibility of this as a sentence. This thread is about an evil and heinous crime with some equally heinous and evil people incarcerated - I’d cry no tears at their death - but them being put to death wouldn’t stop this happening again in another family. If you are twisted enough to torture your own little girl then no punishment would deter you. As for this fella, I think I’d sooner him do his forty years in a cat A jail with regular reminders to his fellow inmates what he was there for than give him the relief of a painless death. If I was a prison officer in that situation I wouldn’t be rushing to confiscate the tuna cans or tin opener.
With respect how do we know the death sentence is not a deterrent even given all the supposed evidence. If it saves some lives because some could be reluctant to carry weapons knowing if they fekk up in a robbery for example. If you ain't carrying owt that avenue goes away to a degree. How would we be able to prove otherwise. Carrying any weapon should carry more stiffer sentences. And carrying a knife beyond a certain category about your person with no real excuse. (Pretty sure a machete or 10" kitchen knife would be difficult to explain away just wandering the streets.) Build more jails asap and lock em up. As for this Cat. A prisoner I get what you are saying. But putting myself in the place of any youngsters kin (bear in mind the b'std was not the father and reported to several authorities) I'd more than likely not think twice he be put to death. I may be in a minority but my attitudes have changed given major advances in forensic science. Just my take on it mate. I used to be 100% in your corner at one time.
Thing is imo the death sentence it’s over in a second. Life in prison is its self a death sentence. One thing in this case is it’s very unlikely he will see out his sentence. Either death or being murdered inside is his fate. Every day he has to watch his back.
For me, life should be life and not parole in fifteen to twenty years for bad offences. As for sentencing for carrying knives, guns etc - I’d view it as going equipped. Lock them up for life. You are equipped to murder, there is no reasonable reason to do so, so if found in possession of such an item you should be tried for going equipped to murder. Even if that is a ‘new’ crime not currently in legal parlance. Life sentences for carrying, not just using, a deadly weapon - whether it’s a zombie knife, machete, firearm. Deterrent sentences for even possessing the weapon. Also having police have more stop and search powers to enforce. So I agree with 90% of what you’re saying, just not the capital punishment. I don’t see it working. I wouldn’t be too upset to see some folk executed for what they’ve done, don’t get me wrong - but I think that’s a dangerous road to go down and a Pandora’s box that doesn’t need opening.
Myra Hindley was desperate to be released, even though she knew there was a real threat to her life if she did. I know papers like to present prison as a kind of holiday csmp but they are scary places as that vile man has found out. When you have your freedom and autonomy it's easy to take it for granted A civilised country can't have corporal or capital punishment.