Congratulations, mate, you've obviously both been blessed and it's beautiful to think of people sharing a lifetime of love together
Congratulations to you both. Will she be presented with her medal on the Town Hall steps or will it be a private ceremony?
Congrats Biglil to you both. Genuine true story. On our 35th. 7yrs ago we visited a private beach area called Callithea springs on Rhodes. Whilst there. Weddings were taking place in a white ceremonial building. During a break between weddings. We asked the registrar or whatever. To take a picture of me and the missus in front of decorated altar with registration book. Then pretend tut kids we’d renewed our vows. Registrar obliged then handed us both a sheet of paper. Oh **** it was only the renewal vows she insisted on us reading to each other. Missus started blubbering. I asked why after. She said does that mean av got to spend another 35 yrs wi thee. . Still together mind. . ps me in Barnsley shirt n Barnsley sunhat. Shorts n sandals.