All he had done to that point was getting bullied off the ball for a goal kick so he probably thought it wasn't going to happen a second time and tried to be stronger in a challenge and got it wrong. He will come back stronger from it as a lesson learned.
I guess with every foul you’re “giving the ref a decision to make” but it was harsh in my opinion. Obviously not helped by the many rolls their player did and the rest of them sprinting up to the ref. That’s something we need to start doing. The missed foul on Cavare has been talked about but what about the foul on Thiam that caught him on the top of the foot?
Sorry troff don’t agree. he went straight through him and if he had caught his leg it would have been nasty.
Of course he did. He dived in with his studs up. You can't decide the incident upon the basis of whether he made contact or not. In his defence, he was after the ball and nowt else. And I'm inclined to feel sorry for him, rather than call him a fuckwit. But the ref was right.
Your foot can leave the floor. How else would anyone ever win a ball in the air? Or are we only allowed to touch the ball when it is in contact with the floor. Or are you staying that you can't move fast in football? If so then i don't want to watch this walking football
It was harsh but fits in the seen them given category seems even harsher that we are now without him for 3 games but those are the rules. 9 times out of 10 that’s a yellow but not when we are involved. How the ref can give a red for that and nothing for their guy who went straight through Cavare is another example of us rarely getting the ref favouring us
Might be churlish to point this out but the southend player had his foot even higher than Browns and he wasn’t penalised at all