I've met O'Mara a few times but not for about a year now. He used to run West Street Live in Sheffield. I knew him through someone I worked with from High Green which is where O'Mara is from originally. He told me he wanted to be a MP and he never struck me as the kind of bloke who'd become one. Then it happened and now it looks like it won't for much longer. He said he'd also tried unsuccessfully to be a councillor a few times including over 10 years ago. I've checked up and he first stood for the council in 2004 in Ecclesfield. That was when he made some of the comments that have been publicised this week so he must have held those views at the same time as he was trying to be a Labour councillor. Scroll down nearly half way and he's listed as a Labour candidate; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheffield_City_Council_election,_2004 And he's a Wednesday fan. Anyone being abused this Saturday at Hillsborough knows where to report him.
Strange one this. The Women making the allegations against him are a rival pub landlady and her employee who has a past history with Jered. Complains to the Police and then drops charges but goes running to the Tory press. Nothing dodgy there then. Why aren't the MSM hounding the 35 Tory perverts and why did Teresa May lose the files on the Westminster paedo ring? Why did Thatcher allow a Knighthood for Jimmy Saville?
Spot on. The lot of them believe they are above the law and out of touch with the rest of us miles below them. Sorry, which party are we on about?