As I suspected, this is very much the exception not the norm. The vast majority of companies would not be able to do this and only works for multi million pound companies.
You are correct about this. The thing is there are a lot of large multinational corporations who have got around paying taxes for years. Finally it looks like the EU are doing something about it, conveniently as we are leaving. I'm fairly sure Boris & co will look to make us a tax haven for such companies, when we leave. We had a ridiculously high upper rate of income tax in the 70's (98%). It's only good effect being the recording of "Exile on Main Street" by the Rolling Stones in France. We are not looking at that kind of tax hike, even for those earning over 80k...
You’re a fcking heartless disgrace. Take a good look around you and see the thousands of homeless people about that this country has deserted. I’m nowhere near the £80k mark and I’d happily pay a bit extra to help those in need out because that’s what a developed society does and differentiates us from any other species. Not you though you fcking neanderthal.
In the real , real world what you have is a small group of people who are increasingly getting obscenely wealthier and proportionately pay less tax than the rest of us and pay accountants and advisors obscene amounts to avoid paying tax . Deluded tax avoider apologists ,like you, who patronisingly talk of ‘ the real world’ are just brainwashed lackies of an entitled ruling elite who don’t give a toss about you or I and the real world we live in
I could never understand why the blatantly unfair VAT never gets a mention. How is it fair that I have to pay the same amount of tax on my automatic washing machine as for example, the millionaire Boris Johnson!
Because indirect taxes such as VAT, Council tax etc always hit poorer people proportionately more than the rich. That's why they Tories always bang on about lower "income" tax and keep quiet about raising other tax....remember the 2010 election, they promised they had no plans to raise VAT then 6 weeks later raised it.
For anybody wondering when Boris is going to get his mauling.....not yet fixed. Surely, for rules of impartiality all leaders should have been signed up and HAVE to be interviewed in the same format.
Johnson won’t be going anywhere near Andrew Neil. He would get eaten alive, it’s better people think you are an idiot than open your mouth and prove them right.
I think hes an idiot irrespective of whether he is opening his mouth or not. (I do think he is narcissistic, pleonexian and very motivated to "Brand Boris", but that is the only area he shows any intelligence - although that could be base cunning)
Pure sociopath. Whats worse for a sociopath, being found wanting, or being labelled a coward. Choices choices.
As with a lot of things, it is a question of getting the balance right. We have had Tory Governments for roughly 30 of the last 40 years. As a consequence the distribution of wealth has gone all one way. Even during the financial crisis the top earners got 2 5% reductions in their tax deductions - and the country was skint through bailing out the banks. All Corbyn wants to do is reverse those 2 reductions. I'd say that tries to rebalance the wealth which seems a good idea to me.