Excellent so he's raised the issue, made people show their true colours by being more offended about Joe's personal 10k than Human rights abuses in Qatar and still given 10k to charity. Well played.
https://www.express.co.uk/sport/foo...-Qatar-contract-World-Cup-promotion-Channel-4 He got a statement from David Beckham on his show that's just finished on Channel 4
I’m not sure what’s worse- being openly and honestly homophobic or pretending to be a supporter of Gay rights only to sell out when the money train comes along. What message does this send to other countries and regimes that persecute minorities including gay people? I’ll tell you what message it sends - support is surface deep and a sham, there’s no need to change how we behave because we have the money to buy silence and tacit support from key figures because they don’t really care about gay and minority rights at all.
He got a set of words that were grouped together to form paragraphs. Not sure I'd go as far as to call it a statement.