Putting aside the failings of out legal system I would be absolutely disgusted if this man was the manager of my Football Club.
I can't stand the bloke but it's not really appropriate to work from an assumption of guilt and blame the legal system.
I also read recently that he got away with a driving offence which might have resulted in a ban. His lawyer must be one of the best in the country, as he keeps getting him off, even when there is video evidence, such as the spat on the beach. It's a ticking time-bomb, but when will it finally explode and at what cost to a third party?
It's a case of belief. Jimmy Seville was never convicted in a court of law remember but does anyone believe his innocence? I just hope his wife doesn't regret withdrawing her statement.
As I posted at the time domestic abusers get more violent over time. He'll think he's untouchable now. I'm genuinely worried for her. I hope to goodness his children haven't been at the end of his bad temper.
Question for @BarTyke Got this off another site Case is stayed not dismissed as the judge suggested they could not rely on Mrs Barton's evidence. What's the difference?
I went to court a few years back as a witness to an assault on a women by her partner, she never showed up, sad really, all live on the same estate, there's no escape for that poor lass I saw - had a kid in a pram as well while he bashed her. I hope Barton's wife can get out and take all his money.
Not seen much of this case but it sounds like he has argued some sort of abuse of the court process such that he could not have a fair trial. In those circumstances the prosecution would be stayed by the judge as opposed to being dismissed for lack of evidence.