Again National Insurance isn’t designed to fund the NHS or care, and it is accounted completely separately to the tax pot. National insurance is designed and used to pay ‘contribution based benefits; ESA (conts based) JSA (conts based) and more importantly state pension. when there’s a surplus in the NI pot, government legislate each year to apportion some of that money to the NHS (IIRC Theresa max % allowed too). This money makes up a very small portion of the NHSs running costs, and again is dependent on there being a surplus; which - with an ageing population isn’t guaranteed. The vast majority of NHS funding is directly from taxes. and the vast majority of social care funding is via local government which adds yet another layer of financial resource and complexity, further complicated by means testing.
I'd agree they've 'gone a bit early' here, but when you look at those voting maps by age group things, I get their frustration. Had the votes of the 18-24 age group been the only ones that counted, the map was completely red; Labour winning every single seat. Understandable they don't see any legitimacy in Johnson or his govt.
If only people under 45 had voted, it would have resulted in a Labour majority. It's not hard to understand why young people are angry enough to demonstrate. Those who have lived 10 years and often their whole adult lives under austerity. Those who want to remain in the EU but have been ignored. Those who are living at home or in private rented properties at extortionate prices in their 30s because the housing ladder is impossible to break onto without parental help. Those who are having to delay having kids because there's no realistic way a family can survive on one average wage anymore (even two is a struggle given childcare costs). Those who are in £40,000 of debt because they went to University to try and improve their chances, being told by elders who benefitted from free HE that the state can't afford things anymore. We are the ones whose futures this affects and it's frustrating beyond belief that we're stuck with what we can see is so so bad for us.
Shame the 18-35 group cant be ar5ed to get off their backsides and vote. They always have the lowest turnout and are the first to moan about the old goats deciding their future. I say this as an old goat who agrees with your sentiment and who voted Labour.
Exactly, the ones who haven’t lived through the mess of the 70’s and 80’s must think that this is terrible! You’re just explaining that they don’t have life experience! Not that they necessarily know better! Next you’ll suggest that all adults over the age of 30 should be exterminated. As for the other posts... I’ve never seen such a bitter set of people wishing hurt and distress on your fellow man. Just so you can put a red flag up! This posturing and protesting is exactly what fuels the minority far right extremists. But that’s what you want, it’s not about the people in the country, it’s all about class. And starting a class war. This is the most tolerant time I have ever lived in. Apart from the minority of far left and far right who pontificate so much against each other, and try and stir hatred. Finally the only democracy that matters to people on here, is if everyone agreed with your opinion. Get over the result! People don’t agree with you. Don’t get bitter and hope everybody dies of a plague! Hope that the promises are met, or build a party that can convince people that their policies will be met.
With age comes wisdom... Perhaps if they had lived through the last 3 or 4 Labour administrations they may not be quite so pro-Labour. They are of the 'free everything' generation partly as a result of the internet and banking but there is no such thing. Corbyn was promising far beyond what he could deliver and it was interesting after the Election how many (including defeated Labour candidates) said as much. I wonder if (yes it is a big if) Johnson does make the effort to distribute the wealth and opportunity countrywide (it has already been leaked that he intends weeping changes in the cabinet, abolition of some ministries and above all changes in Whitehall (good luck attempting to depose the establishment mandarins) and succeeds in creating an inclusive UK people will acknowledge he has actually delivered. Similarly if Brexit turns out not to be the disaster many believe (and some hope!?) will they stop the self-defeating prostesting and negativity. You are saying they have 'gone a bit early' which, IMO give me the impression that you are being pre-judgemental and seem certain he will fail and revert to type. Apologies if that is not your intention but it does imply a certain mindset. For the sake of the country and all the people suffering (like a certain poster on here) from the previous austerity measures and poor distribution of wealth we need to at least back off and give the guy a chance. If after say a year nothing changes then, yes, give 'em hell but at least let's try and pull together. Anything else just obstructs any chance of progessing and improving the country's fortunes. Oh! and thank's to the poster who asked Santa for a penalty decision in our favour yesterday as he obviously has a hot line to the man!
It would be wonderful if we could transport some of the under 40s back to the 1950's or 70's for them to realise how the definition of 'poverty has changes for teh vast majority. We may not have had food banks as such but the expectations are much higher nowadays giving the impression that things are so much worse than they were then.
Are people posting in the right group. The Reds are BFC but this sounds like a sour grapes meeting of the Socialist Worker. Living in the past. Labour is a spent force and no longer relevant. It will dwindle and die. John McDonnell was punctured and defeated when interviewed by Andrew Neill but still sticking to a worn out mantra. We had a referendum on electoral reform in 2011 as others have pointed out. It’s too complicated for Joe Public I’m afraid...
My daughter went to Sheffield university and was absolutely skint whilst being there, but thats just student life in a nutshell.The student fee is actually a loan and not a debt. Blah blah blah, it's always someone else to blame. You make your own path in life, stop blaming others.
Some genius stuff on here. Some absolute belters. Abosolute bobby dazzlers 1. Everything which doesn't go right for young people is because we didn't try hard enough. Or get off our arses and vote. 2. Just because poverty now is not as bad as 70 years ago, that means it's fine. The fact that it's worse than it was just 10 years ago and inequality has broadened massively doesn't matter. 3. Us young uns don't know what we're talking about because we haven't lived reyt long. Despite us being more highly educated by qualification than any generation ever. 4. Us young uns are the 'everything for free' generation (even though our rent, taxes, utilities and cost of living are proportionately far higher a percentage of our salaries than at any point since the 1950s). 4. Supposedly, my pointing out that the younger portion of the electorate repeatedly have their beliefs denied by older voters means I'm about to propose a genocide of the over 30s.
F@cking hell. Just tell us how you want to set this up to get a Labour win! They're a spent force! Corbyn associated with terrorist elements in Ireland and Palestine, so WTF do you expect? Grow a pair and admit you not only backed the wrong horse but the horse was both asthmatic and had but three legs.
Whilst qualifications are not everything, God knows - enough Politicians with them are a. waste of space but I dreaded the idea of her being Secretary of State for Education let alone PM with her educational background or rather lack of. She has got where she is via the Trades Union movement. Whilst she often talks common sense (rare in the field of politics) I do not believe she has a broad enough knowledge base to negotiate. Whilst a qualification as a careworker is very worthy I hardly think it is sufficient to enable her to take the highest office in the land. being an MP is one thing but Running the country requires a skill set on a whole different level. Or are you saying staying in education i.e. FE And HE and obtaining degrees, O and A levels and even GCSEs are insignificant compared to being a union convenor?
By the ‘free everything’ generation I can only assume you mean 50+ year old people? Free Higher Education Free prescriptions Pension that pays multiple times what you actually paid in Family allowance for all Walk straight into a job with no qualifications Buy a house for a couple of times the average starting salary That ‘free everything’ generation?
A really **** version of PR was offered & not backed by either of the main parties / leaders, just Nick Clegg.
We sell the bombs currently dropping in Yemen, and support Israel's destruction of Palestine. We allowed Syria to be destroyed and ignore the plight of the Kurds who took ISIS out, bombed the **** out of Lybia with no after plan. Our hands are not clean here by any means.
The decay process of the brain starts at age 20 for some brain functions (for others it doesn't mature until 35) and decay accelerates above the age of 60. Only one in five 70 year olds will perform cognitive tests at the same level at 20 year olds. Over 20% of the population are over 60 (a higher % of voters). Does wisdom really come with age?
With McDonnell aged 68 and Corbyn aged 70, it makes it hard to run a campaign claiming wisdom does come with age.
Kind of depends on the starting point . I am 65 but I have always had a terrible memory when it comes to remembering peoples names yet can memorise and play an entire Beethoven Sonata and a two hour 'set' on piano and keyboards . It also depends on what cognioive tests we are talking about. It is a bit like driving a car, Young inexperienced drivers tend to rely to a large extent on reactions. Older experienced drivers anticipate other drivers actions in certain conditions through repetition subconsciously analysing risk as they can evaluate multiple potential hazards in certain order . This is why even with slower reactions older drivers have fewer accidens than young drivers. I think though that when it comes to the ballot box and voting, history is a great tutor and older people have often lived through it rather than read about it .