And pray, please tell us, someone, just where is that report about Russia's interference on our democracy?
if Sheffield Wednesday were a race our abuse of them would be racism. You didn’t really think about this did you.
In the run up to the election I thought the Tory voters repeating ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ were mocking Corbynites. it seems they were falling for Johnson’s charms. All orders were now issued through Squealer or one of the other pigs. Napoleon himself was not seen in public as often as once in a fortnight. Animal Farm
You lived through Heaths government Nationalising a company to keep the unions happy. I don’t believe you’re stupid, you just post any nonsense that’ll get you a response. and you still owe me £500 when you’re ready.
Not only that but the story that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe may have Coronavirus and that emails have been leaked from a top senior official who said that 'Britain doesn't need farmers' and that we should import all our food like Singapore.
So Johnson and his girlfriend are going to have a child wonder how many kids he as doe's anyone know on Wikipedia it says 5/6 so they don't know, wonder how long it will take before he gets tired of this woman.
Remember that the votes in Parliament for the Iraq War only passed through the votes of the Tory party - enough Labour MPs voted against or abstained to have defeated the government without Tory support. Opinion polls at the time also showed the Iraq War had more public support than Brexit in June 2016 (54% vs 52%)
Not sure if this should go in the Johnson watch or the Covid-19 thread but this is just beyond Barmy All pretence at doing anything beneficial for UK citizens gone - I dont recall the referendum saying we will totally isolate ourselves from Europe incling sharing information on health terrorism criminals nuclear standards etc etc Since when do diseases respect boundaries you cant impose sovereignty on everything