I can actually see AJ as favourite against Wilder, just purely as he could do what Fury did and pick him off from distance, that’s not to say Wilder hasn’t got a chance, he has and a great one too. I think Fury would be much harder for AJ as he is a much better boxer and should start as favourite
Hearn has played up Usyk fighting AJ since the day he signed him so on that prediction I think you’ll be way off. We’ll soon know though. Usyk doesn’t sign with Hearn for his heavyweight run without a plan for the future. That plan was a fight with AJ. And AJ wants to ‘rock and roll’ don’t forget.
Fair assessment, I'd have Wilder as favourite against AJ though. I think if he tried to do that job on Wilder he would get caught at some point. Think he has the power to knock Wilder out though so would be good to watch. Agree i think Fury would beat him. I actually think AJ is a easier fight for Fury than Wilder is.
I hope I haven’t come across as hating on Joshua because I’ve got huge respect for the guy, what he’s done for British boxing is nothing short of legendary. I cannot disagree with a lot you say there to be honest, he really is a commercial dream. And I’ll be honest I don’t know how he does it, I think the way sky have laid out his career and promoted him deserves huge credit if I’m honest. However, I do disagree with you on that he deserves the majority money, hear me out. There’s no doubting he brings in the casual market into boxing, you probably could have a case for Fury in that regard now. Especially after this WWE rubbish. But fair play Aj has a massive fan base, but regarding in ring achievements. If Aj is to fight the winner of the February fight do you not think the boxer with the WBC and the Ring Magazine titles should at very least not be getting 50% of the purse? Plus they will be regarded as the lineal champion and number one in the division? I can fully understand the commercial argument but as a fan of the sport don’t respect that argument. I ain’t sure why Wilder doesn’t do number on PPV like a canelo or Maywether you can only put that down to poor promotion I think. But for his in ring achievements and the reigning WBC champion and if he’s fighting AJ will be regarded as the divisions number one you would say he brings a huge slice of the pie to the party. I do think it is Eddie that is holding up this fight, I watch all his IFL interviews and he had me believing it was the other parties at times. But when you look at what Wilder and Whyte have both said plus it’s just happened to Ruiz, they will take the lower percentage but in the rematch they rightfully want the same percentage but in reverse. Match room wont accept. Why is that? Is it because it’s a bad deal they’re offering in the first place? I don’t know. I’m not a business man and if I were I’d probably agree with your argument. I’m a boxing fan and want to see the best vs the best. I think the only way this can ever happen is 50:50 so I hope they all come to their senses and give us what we want before it is too late and someone gets beat. Look at Khan Brook, I bet those two guys are gutted they couldn’t get the fight over the line 5 years ago now,
Regardless of what happens in February we will see Tyson Fury wrestle at Wrestlemania 36 in Florida in April. If he beats Wilder it will be in the main event against Brock Lesnar so it's former UFC champion and current WWE champion against a boxing heavyweight champion.
Tried to pick out your main points but I’m on an iPad and it’s far from easy to edit big posts. Totally hear what you’re saying. I’m not coming at it from a business perspective only, but with what AJ brings to the table the 40% split will be more than Wilder has ever made in his career. Why should AJ make Wilder wealthier than he needs to be? Where’s the hunger from Wilder to get the fight made and achieve his legacy? That word only gets used with AJ and I think that’s unfair. The Ring Magazine belt is only just on the table, so wasn’t even a consideration last year. As for Wilder’s popularity, it’s because he fought absolute nobodies for nearly 40 fights. Wasn’t promoted properly, doesn’t come across particularly well even though he’s trying really hard, and can’t box very well. That one punch power, which is incredible and is a skill in itself, doesn’t always attract the purist. And the casuals don’t care unless you’re doing it in big fights with big names. You’re saying you listened to Hearn, listened to Whyte/Wilder, and as is your right choosing who to believe. Problem with all of them is they tie themselves in knots with contradictions. But that’s part of the sport and boxers speaking out to eventually get what they want. Ruiz was offered the AJ fight with a pre-agreed fee for the rematch should he win. He then signed that contract, so Matchroom enforced it. Why not? He got more than the first fight, but the only reason it was worth what it was is because of what AJ brings to the table. He then got a sweetener on top for it being in Saudi Arabia. He’s made $15m plus endorsements from the two fights and is made for life. He wouldn’t have got the same fighting Wilder 18 months ago because the available pot wouldn’t have been as big.
Think it all comes down to which AJ turns up for me. If it’s Saturdays version I would have him as slight favourite but if he lets Wilder in there’s only one winner for me.
I agree that there is questions to be asked from Wilders side, and whilst I think the fight should be 50-50 if Wilder was offered 40% of the split he'd take it. As you say if the reports of money on the table are to be believed it would be clearly his biggest purse to date. But there has to be more to it than that, I don't believe he's ever been offered the 40%, or if he has Hearn has probably tried to tie down to something that isn't contractually possible on Wilders side. Also, I think i'm right in saying Joshua was quoted a couple of years ago that if they paid him 50 million he'd take the fight. Wilders side then guaranteed this didn't they? Hearn turned this away saying there wasn't proof of funds which I found strange, surely in a contractual agreement they would've been guaranteed this. Regarding Wilders popularity I really don't understand why the American public haven't got behind this guy. I agree and have been critical of his record previously but for the causal fan I don't think it matters who these guys fight aslong as they are sparking guys out. At least that's what happened with Joshua in his rise, this is why Joshua is so popular isn't it? Wilders record since becoming WBC champion has improved, he's still knocking out decent opposition in fights ive called him to lose. I don't personally like the style but it aint half effective and you can guarantee with him the fight is never over. If I were a top promotor id be investing everything in this guy to appeal to the causals, but it honestly puzzles me as to why he aint the big money attraction in the sport. I agree with the point regarding Matchroom it is their right to enforce the contract, they'd be stupid not to. But Ruiz was probably in a position where he had no choice but to take it. Fair play to the lad too it has worked out for him and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't fight again, why would you? I also agree that everything earned in that fight was down to what AJ brought to the table. But I cant see why the bigger names in the division would ever agree these terms. You can get similar guaranteed terms as a mandatory without a rematch clause so they might aswell go down that route if they have no other option but to take the fight. Be interesting to see how it all pans out over the next 12 months but I doubt we'd see any of them fight each other and someone's going to get beat and that's that. I've enjoyed this discussion though.
Wilder is not good to watch. He can't box, he just has dynamite in both fists. You get typically 6 rounds of dirge and boom, good night.
As a boxing fan I totally agree with you mate, i'd much rather see a fight where two technicians go at it. But Wilder has forced me to respect his style even though its not my preference. It does puzzle me as to how he hasn't captured the casual boxing market. Most people tune in to boxing to see knock outs and Wilder is that man, so you could argue in a lot of peoples eyes he is good to watch. I've always said a boxer beats a puncher and still stand by that but Wilder has twice against Ortiz and against Fury this isn't always the case.
It's far harder to work in some Asian sweatshop or in the middle of a warzone, doesn't make either of them comparable with a sport. It is scripted entertainment... I could beat Brock Lesnar for the championship if the powers that be wanted. Complete nonsense.
That's true i'm just saying it's a harder life than a boxer. On the road 250+ days a year lucky you see your own house one day a week. That day being spent seeing family and sorting your washing before the next plane the next day. Driving thousands of miles to wrestle four days a week. No time for aches and pains to heel before the next night. Hire a rental car, check in to hotel, wake up next morning for gym, go to arena, wrestle, drive to next town and repeat with no breaks.
I've followed wrestling since I was a kid and have seen beyond the mat. I have a lot of respect for wrestlers, just don't think they should be seen as sportsmen or women that's all. If they want to get in a cage or ring and fight as some of them have then that's totally different.