read the scientific reports as I have and then get back to me. Stuff you read on Facebook is irrelevant. All studies conducted this far show positive results from mask wearing. All reputable scientific sources recommend them. Studies show alongside other control methods that efficacy is around 79%. or don’t ask for evidence and then ignore it. I see nothing on this thread from reputable verifiable sources to counteract say the CDC, WHO or countless other bodies. They aren’t a magic bullet but alongside other control measures are very effective.
Yes but in your opinion have they been used correctly alongside other control measures? I've personally seen people doing the opposite of how they're advised to use them and the day they were enforced social distancing went out of the window in supermarkets
You always surface on a Monday with these ridiculous screenshots, when you know perfectly well that less counting is done for this day because of the weekend. You did the same last week, but then said nothing when the recorded deaths over the next four days were 12, 18, 11 and 13.
I agree, they weren't facts. But it was a well researched piece worthy of consideration and further study, which is what good reporting and good science is.
so we should just say seatbelts are pointless cos a few Nobheads choose to not use them properly or at all?
Deaths are down on the same day last week so it's comparable. On the data section only two of the last twenty four days have reached double figures of deaths.......
Maybe people don't take masks seriously maybe the NHS should have a mask drive do some adverts on TV and radio of how effective they are with some facts and compare them to wearing seat belts, or even better police could patrol indoor areas handing on the spot fines out for misuse of masks like they do seat belts....
RFL say government are gonna make an announcement on 14th to be honest if it wasn’t for me wanting to go watch Featherstone at Wembley for first time in 38 years this announcement wouldn’t effect me too much. Recent lifting of restrictions have allowed me to follow mostly my routine prior to covid. I’ve been allowed to coach rugby and play games since April. Now allowed back to watch Featherstone play in live in stadium. I mainly drink locally anyway and go out all day on a Saturday after the team I coach plays and usually all day Sunday too if Fev are playing at home. we have postponed our holiday again until next year but day to day life now isn’t much different for me.
Isn't that just 'Data not dates' though? Experts are constantly analysing the data and seem to have (although as yet unconfirmed) made a decision based on said data. I supposed what that data says is subjective and many people will read it differently.
Experts haven't made a decision. They make a recommendation - usually with confidence intervals and caveats. The PM and Ministers are responsible and accountable for any actions taken (or not taken) as a result of that recommendation. Sometimes they follow the advice, sometimes they don't (September "circuit breaker" is a prime example). Other times they ignore the science and make it up to try to be more popular - often with disastrous results ("Boris saves Christmas") One of the big problems is that none of the Ministers appear to understand science.
You keep switching between data sets. Your zero screenshot last week was from UK deaths by date reported, which is why I pointed out that the next 4 days were 12, 18, 11 and 13. This week's zero screenshot was from England data only. You've then quoted UK deaths by date of death in reply to me.
There can be little doubt that the 'full reopening' is now set to be put back a further 14, if not 28 days. The Times story and other media comments today trace back to deliberate leaks designed to soften the public up for the inevitable announcement next Monday. Whatever people may feel about competing data sets the advice that is counting is that provided by the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientist. Johnson must weigh that against the political and economic considerations. It feels to me like he and Hancock have more or less seen off Cummings' accusations. But he will not want to risk another charge of unlocking too soon. So get ready for full unlocking being put back to coincide with the school holidays. But travel is not looking good any time soon.