Some people will probably be allowed in the ground. I’ll be amazed if it’s anywhere near full capacity though.
I would love to apologise for it, and I will absolutely apologise if it turns out to be false. There’s nobody more than me would love to be proved wrong honestly.
She's right it's not going away i think we will just have to treat it like we do flu and learn to live with it.
I think we'll be back in there next season at full capacity. It might possibly be that they require proof of test of vaccination, who knows at this point, but I can't see there being limits on capacity again. At least not for home fans. Maybe they'll limit away fans - that seems pretty pointless, so I expect them to do so.
You can always rely on Frank to explain things calmly and clearly. For those who think ‘it’s just another four weeks’.
It will be current rules so 4500 at a guess with a lottery etc Im just waiting for someone to explain to me how we will have fewer cases and hospitalisations in 4 weeks time now we have a wave of the Boris "Delta" variant.and I expect there will be signs of a new Epsilon variant.
I've just had a look at the latest stats for Barnsley and my Borough which have very similar population sizes. R here is 4.7, Barnsley 1.5, though that seems a bit less relevant now with vaccinations. What was interesting, two things. Firstly, deaths in Barnsley were higher overall, 803 v 334, though cases overall were higher here by about 3,000. The most stand out though was level of vaccination. First dose Barnsley 76.1%, 2nd dose 55.4%. Compared with 49% 1st dose here and just 28.8% 2nd dose. Whether thats down to supply, ethnicity variance, both, or other factors, it's difficult to say.
Isn't the overall deaths simply due to the general health of a lot of the older people in barnsley? I thought statistically we had a lower life expectancy anyway and a poorer health in the elderly.
I genuinely don't know. The age demographic in Barnsley may be older too I guess, but given non white people were considered to be at a greater risk, I wondered if that might offset a little so I would have maybe expected it to be more comparable given overall infections were higher here than Barnsley.
They are more at risk. However, alongside having an older chain smoking ex mining community we are also the fattest town in England.
If it’s in the papers it must be true. What ‘restrictions’ are you talking about here? What paper? “Nobody is allowed to leave their house” is a lot different to “some businesses are allowed to require mask usage”.
I wouldn’t give a ****. Masks are nothing worth getting upset about. They won’t be mandatory, they’ll be down to businesses to decide if they want to require them. It’s always been that way. I don’t suppose that will end in April either, nor should it.
That’s what it’s going to switch to I mean. After the government requirement ends, which it will. By “that’s how it’s always been” I mean that businesses could have required masks before covid.
And that’s your right. I suspect many people (potential employees and customers) will boycott places that don’t require masks also. Businesses will have to make that decision.