I thought we were playing contrarian bingo, no? So you were posting all the contrarians and "lozza" gave a full house. Always funnier when you have to explain a witticism to someone ;-) Seriously though, Laurence Fox?
There’s an ancient proverb that I think applies here: Lawrence Fox is a **** and you won’t go far wrong if you do the exact opposite of what he says at all times.
For the consumer, not much. In the main it's great, although as someone who loves nothing more than standing up in a pub with a pint there are occasions when I want to be able to order from some of the amazing bar teams up and down the country. Not every pub visit is difficult to get a pint in and being served by someone is a tradition I enjoy and would like to keep - especially in real pubs. Box Park at Wembley yesterday, for example, was perfect as it was order on the app straight to your table. Wouldn't have been too fussed for that if I was stood up in The Volunteer at Baker Street. Now, what's not to love for the pub? A whole host of things. The increase in staff to take less money. So the strain on the P&L and the survival of the pub is a pretty big one not to love. The cost to build an app or to hire the app software. Yet another strain on the P&L when you're not taking as much money. The culture that it likely drives towards even more food sales than what your business model might be setup for - believe it or not some pubs don't want to sell more food than what is in their plan and drink sales can be crucial to profitability. Finally, the teams don't love it. It's not what they're used to and the enhanced demands on them physically in large pubs can be a genuine challenge. I've seen stories of team members knocking out 20,000 steps a day at the moment because it's table service only and struggling to get up for the shift the following day. The last thing hospitality needs right now is a further exodus of current or potential staff from the sector. The balance, as always, is somewhere in the middle. And variety is the spice of life, so those that keep it will be able to afford it and draw in people like yourself. Others will turn away from it when they can and cater for a different consumer. To quote BarnsleyReds earlier. The above is an argument against it, from a business and social aspect, and I can quite comfortably believe why some people would be against it.
Then you're going to the wrong bars. Pubs with decent staff would never let that happen. heads up service every time.
Isn't it a statistical fact that women get served quicker at bars? It's a known sales technique in the industry isn't it?
Tbf mostly pubs aren't that busy but when you're short you do often get ignored when they are. But I agree, part of the tradition of British pubs is ordering at the bar.
I remember last time I was in the O2 Leeds I had to be “that wnker” I was being ignored that badly, not helped by people wandering up and getting served without even say I was first. Kicked off with the bar staff made a scene, got dirty looks off everyone, challenged the guy next to me why he thought it was ok to push in, felt like a right **** but I did get served next.
I was in my local club saturday evening , a couple came in and sat down, the barman shouted the waitress on duty to serve them, she walked through the tap room, through the foyer and into the lounge to serve them and they were sat 6 feet from the bar, that can never be right surely...
You need to have a visit to the George and Dragon at Wentworth. Prices are a bit higher than most locals but cracking ale and snap. They have a table service using a text message service. They have an outdoor bar and kitchen and now serving indoors. Max wait I've had for a pint is 4 mins from text going through and food wait times are approx 25 mins when they're rammed (loads of tables outside). Beer garden amazing, they've invested in a proper goldmine. It makes getting up to have a whazz a choir.
Agree with all of that. Just hope post pandemic more places offer the choice. I’ve always found the bar experience in Europe much better where table service is a regular offering. Given the stagnant nature of the pub game in the U.K. it might even offer an edge to some places and help them thrive.
I was thinking of the G&D myself. We popped in last week massively impressive set up. Shows what you can achieve if you embrace things. They would be daft to abandon it.
I agree generally that table service is something I prefer. However, if you're in brewery tap or craft beer pub which has 20-40 beers on tap, I'm typically going to want to try before I buy depending on what I fancy and that does mean a trip to the bar. Though I have no idea if that's even allowed currently or how such places would allow people to try something in advance. It's something that has crept in across Europe too. I can think of DOK Brewing tap room in Ghent, a place in Lviv, the name of which escapes me and Moeder Lambic in Brussels all letting you taste at the bar, though they do combine with table service too.
Theres potentially 3 at the most 4 places in Barnsley town centre where table service works and would generate profit. Table service and its restrictions are killing pubs. No7 the BBSers favourite has a maximum capacity of 34. You go and sit at a table on your own its reduced to 28. It had as of an hour ago had 4 people in. How much longer do you think itll last under current conditions? Chennels is capped at 115. That massive building... its usual capacity is in excess of 200 seated! Courthouse is about a 100... You go talk to the barstaff. They ******* hate table service almost as much as they hate T&T and the stupid face mask rule. They as a rule of thumb want people 2-3 deep at the bar. Its what drives the atmosphere.
Completely agree. Be lovely to have a greater choice over here though we will always need a mixture of places. There’s still too many places that haven’t moved on much in the last 20 years and it would be good for those to take positives from the changes.
Boris been on the strong stuff. He's mentioned July 29th when it's 19th. He just said 23 and 24 year olds can book a vaccine today when it's tomorrow. He also failed to answer what was asked about getting uni students fully vaccinated in time for uni in September.