He also said "company" instead of country, which is probably his priority really showing. Don't know if he can't read his notes or he's had a few too many
Not when you’re surrounded by loud mouthed men waving money around with their hands across your face and the bar staff serve them just to get rid. As I tend to wear heels on a night out though (only time I do wear them), that puts me at 6 foot so I don’t have Helen’s short problem. I can only imagine how long it would take me to get served then!
To be fair to De Pfeiffel, he must have been pretty knackered having spent most of the day in Brussels at the NATO Conference. He's in bother with Sir Lindsay though for not telling Parliament what's what first. Not very good for the "taking back control" lobby, that.
Our BrewDog Now App is genius. Easy to use, all the beers on there, broken down by categories, linked to Apple Pay so you don’t have to enter your card details. If you live within three miles of your nearest bar you can use it for delivery. I’m not suggesting there aren’t examples of it working. There’s loads. I was just challenging the inaccuracies mentioned earlier in the thread. Heard amazing things about that pub by the way. Imagine how great it will be when you can decide to go the bar or have table service, and it actually is a gold mine rather than a gold mine in waiting.
Table service is great when you’re with mates or a partner and don’t have to get up. I’d hate it when on a work night out though as sometimes getting up to go to the bar is the only thing that keeps me sane!
Researchers say a headache, sore throat and runny nose are now the most commonly reported symptoms linked to Covid infection in the UK A Public Health England study finds the Astra-Zeneca and Pfizer vaccines are "highly effective" in preventing hospital admission with the Delta variant of coronavirus Boris: Keep everything shut for another month, except weddings where dancing inside is not allowed, dancing outside in unlimited numbers is allowed (but not recommended), but still allowed. Nowt like logical reasoning And that's nowt like........ No wonder people are heartily sick of the entire situation and de piffle and co.
No I don't. The data doesn't have to match the modelling for it still to be a public health emergency.
Sorry I should have worded that differently. What I meant was that according to the data and the targets set by the government it should end. Not that your personal opinion is they should end. They set targets and based those on modelling. We are far better off than any of that modelling so using their own system they should have unlocked. In other words we are not unlocking because they've changed the goalposts. Some like me will say they're wrong to do so and some such as you will validly say they're right to do so.
I totally get your experiences which sounds more than a little shitty to put it mildly but it does confuse me a little that this happens regularly enough to be a problem while it is a statistical fact that on average women are served much quicker. Does that mean that it's rare for men to do this to you but its memorable when it happens? Or something else?
It’s not rare. I wonder if girls in a group get served quicker than guys in a group but girls on their own get drowned out by pushy guys?
The stats are that girls in their own get served quicker l than guys on their own so god knows. I think the theory is that it makes a bar look better if a guy walks in and sees women around. Makes it more sexually appealing basically. If a woman is stood a bar she's hidden out of the way and not making them any money, they'd much rather the man go to the bar and let the woman carry on looking good (yeah I know). The second aspect is that men buy women drinks so if she's stood at the bar buying drinks herself she isn't having men buy her extra so basically they send her back out as quick as they can. It's a really sexist thing but it is a thing, particularly in your more town centre bars.
Starmer is no opposition leader. He's bowed to Boris again agreeing with the delay and backing him. I think he sits on the wrong side in parliament. Boris gets more of a hard time off his back benchers than he does off Labour.
He has said he will support any restrictions brought in by government. Shame his job is to do the exact opposite
If they both agree on that course of action, could it just be that it's the right thing to do? Starmer's job is to front a constructive opposition, not to oppose for the sake of it like the clueless person who preceded him. He needs to show himself responsible enough to be prime minister. When the numbers are heading in the wrong direction there's no point ranting and railing about what's necessary to get on top of the problem. It's a ball-ache, but we have to be grown up about it.,
No it isn't. His job is to represent his constituents and do what he feels is in their best interests.
I feel like I should be riled up about the roadmap delay but honestly I'm just tired. I'm tired and I'm fed up and I've had enough, but at the same time I'm resigned to the government contiung with the madness. Trying to find a positive the data on vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation is very encouraging so hopefully we will reach a point soon where we have to accept its time to live with the virus and we have enough protection. After 1 dose • Pfizer: 94% effective • AstraZeneca: 71% effective After 2 doses • Pfizer: 96% • AstraZeneca: 92% https://khub.net/web/phe-national/p.../document_library/v2WsRK3ZlEig/view/479607266