We're net importers. That means the weakness of the pound isn't very good. What it does mean though is if we had robust markets and increased our manufacturing and export capabilities, we could generate more sales or slightly increase prices meaning more sales, profit and tax. You may have seen some foreign companies are taking advantage of the weak pound by buying companies. Greene King was one example just the other weak by a Chinese consortium. But you may have missed a report that manufacturing is at a 7 year low. That's really bad news given the weakness of the pound. but of course, there will be manufacturing that is reliant on buying in raw materials from overseas though, and that will negatively impact the benefit of the weak pound. And there is negative sentiment in tourism and construction. We're approximately half way through the current quarter, and if its a negative, we're in recession. I don't know if you've noted the regular creeping price increases at the supermarket. I have. Of course we aren't going to lose all industry, but we are going to take a hit. Some will do better than others, some will be hit harder than others. Its not scare mongering to outline that there are plans in place by businesses to leave the Uk if they cant trade with EU countries. There are businesses that will call it a day. Some will have reduced turnover. Jobs will be lost and confidence will be hit. And businesses that sell to those companies that struggle or relocate will be hit, and their suppliers will be hit and so on through the chain. Because that's what the economy is. Its a confidence trick. When we all feel flush, we spend. When we don't, we hold our money and cut back. Small fluctuations change confidence and change the economy. So in a long winded reply, no, it really isn't scare mongering. And no offence, but I don't want to have to go through the hell of a no deal and god knows how many months, years maybe decades of decline and misery to see just how little scare mongering has gone on.
OK you obviously know more than me like I said Im no expert and I'm so glad you are you have changed my whole perception on brexit, obviously I'm just a stupid brexiteer, that must mean I am also racist!! because everything all these remainers are saying must be true. you all know how it is going to pan out, you are all better human beings than us lowly knuckle dragging lowlife scum that voted to leave the EU. how any country survives out of the EU I just don't know. No offence but nobody can say for certain what is going to happen I personally don't know what's going to happen neither do you I. read an article by one economist we would thrive out of the EU deal or no deal, I also read another economist saying its going to a complete failure. its the same as all politics and propeganda you believe whatever you want to believe. do I think we need a deal? Of course I do Europe deals with loads of countries, why are they treating us different, ask yourself that, I think when we leave the EU are so scared of us doing well that other countries will follow suit and the EU will collapse leaving some of these very rich people out of pocket because let's face it they are ruling a monopoly on trade
Johnson is also an elected mp or have you forgotton that? (i'm not sticking up for him btw) or are you saying that those who dont agree with you are doing what they are doing because of their paymasters and their own interests?
? I've just outlined some points to you. And then for some obscure and really unnecessary reason, you've decided to imply you're being called thick and racist. Now you might well be, i've genuinely no reason to think you are or you aren't.. but what hope have we got if we can't be civil to each other when someone openly shares information with you or poses questions to you (which aren't answered)? The country is never going to heal (whether it deserves to is a whole other pandoras box) is it? Can I ask what makes you say the EU are treating us differently? To who? I can only give my perception from both watching and from some people with closer first hand insights than me and say they are beyond frustrated that we cant even map out a negotiation position. The mess we are in has nothing to do with Brussels. This is our own mess from civilian and politician alike. And much of what I say is because i'm in business and I have a very broad network and what I do gives me really useful insight than what I could otherwise have access to. I've said before, my clients all have no deal contingencies in place that will mean approximately 30% job cuts, just like that. If we leave with a deal, more like 10-15%. Now I don't know about all the other companies plans out there other than those who have disclosed their position, but those clients between them are going to generate probably 3,500 to 4,000 job losses. That's only between around 20 companies. There are 3.6m businesses in the UK. Not all will struggle, some will thrive (a prospect I was talking with said they were aiming to add around 300 jobs over 5 years if the Uk had a bad exit... they are in the debt advice field) and my accountant was suggesting that their main accounting arm will dip slightly, but corporate recovery and insolvency will be like pigs in ... But seriously. I'm putting forward views and questions. You can take it at face value, ignore it, agree, do anything at all. But i'd hope the basic minimum for someone being civil, is to have the respondent be civil in return.
Johnson was paid £76k per year as an MP, and £250k per year from the Telegraph. JRM made £76k per year as an MP, and £84-96k per year from Somerset Asset Management (+others) Daniel Kawzinckzi (sp) makes more from other interests than his job as an MP. That is just what they declare. Are they working in our interests, or their interests?
Fonzie, Micky. Been through this once already, you obviously didn't read/understand my posts, neither the time nor the inclination to repeat myself to come full circle again. It got unpleasant from Donny Red last time, din’t really want a repeat.
I'm sorry that u took offence that wasnt what I was trying to do I understand what you were saying it wasn't a dig at you personally and I'm sorry it came across that way. You make many good points my point is that nobody knows what is going to happen, I don't, you don't. I'm getting sick of a lot of people on this forum who seem to stereotype any body who doesn't hold the same views on brexit as thick knuckle headed racists and that is not the case I think we are going into the unknown and it is scary but sometimes going into the unknown is the only way forward. I just don't buy that the EU is this amazing thing. Again I wasn't saying you was calling me think and racist it seems that we get lumped into that I'm sure there are a lot of people who voted leave just to get all the "foreigners" out and that is not the case in my point I have a lot of friends who are from different countries I'm all for immigration if it is done right. By right I mean there should be alot more checks on who is coming here and what they can contribute we have enough homegrown criminals and layabouts we don't need any more the main reason I voted out was that I feel rightly or wrongly that we should have more of a say on what we do in our country I like the idea of opening up different routes of trade, I like to shop at asda but if there's a good deal on beer at tesco il go there if you get me, I think we need a deal with Europe as Europe needs a deal with us. There are alot of people who have got rich of the EU and they are scared they are going to loose a few quid or euros when we leave so that's why I think there are alot of angry people but that may just be the conspiracy theorists in me, I'm sorry I came across as a tit with my reply to you
Me neither. I think the point a few other posters are making is that it's going full circle now. I think the best thing is agree to disagree and move on. These threads have taught me something about the real world though.
apparently there is just short of 1 in 5 mp's who have a second job/income if it were up to me none of them would be allowed second jobs
Is he the one that is a consultant for a mining company despite never being in that line of business ? A company that is owned by or connected to a certain Aron Banks.
aye it gets dafter shenk, like mp's being given ministerial roles in departments they have zero experience in, but, its nothing new as ministers have for decades been employed in roles as advisors / directors etc for companies so they can literally have influence when required..i hasten to add that this has gone on in both sides of the commons its not summat limited to the tories
I was disappointed you went down the road you did. I just felt there was no need for it. By all means, reply that way if someone is abusive or condescending to you. But for reasoned discussion, well, as I say, I just didn't think it was needed. Touching on the whole intolerant, racist aspect. Sadly, there was that element in the leave vote. That doesn't mean anyone who voted leave is racist. but I do believe anyone racist that voted, most likely voted to leave, given the messages that cummings ordered Johnson to whip up. I've quoted it before, All Out War, a very interesting read about Brexit from before to after. And I'll admit, that both saddens and angers me that an aspect of voter, never mind the likes of Banks and Farage (who very much are racist and prey on the fear of others) inspired that voter to their cause. But my biggest annoyance is that still, over 3 years from the vote, there isn't one single outline of what Leave is and what it will mean. yes, the exact future may not be known. But I'd hope the impact on currency, prices, house pricing, investment, GDP and business indexes are all demonstrations of what is likely to happen. I don't share lightly things about my clients (though I would never name them) but it is the most accurate measure I have. It's not project fear. It's not scare mongering, its not hearsay of "an expert" its truth and fact. I'd love to say that these companies were expanding, but they aren't. Businesses are battening down the hatches and going into self preservation mode. It's what happens at the start of a recession. Investment stops, recruiting is frozen and non essential nice to haves like marketing, creative and shiny new things are put off or ceased with. if someone can outline a strategy and demonstrate the true benefits of leaving the European Union I'll listen. Gladly. And if it was better than what we experience now, I'd vote for it. But I've still not seen that, and we're at the point of leaving with nothing. Now I might be unreasonable... but as it's a choice and not forced... I don't understand what good would come from that. I'm sure there are plenty of people who make money from the EU. Just as there will be many people who will make money from the harshest form of Brexit that is unapproved. Farage and Tice being 2 of them. By the way, Farage went to Dulwich College which is very near me, and he was almost kicked out for singing Nazi songs (I kid you not!). Its a very elitist private school. So such people really aren't who they portray themselves. The final point I'll reiterate though, if we leave Europe badly, our chances of then negotiating something new... let alone better (which it cant possibly be) will be extremely miniscule. If someone were to call you racist and thick... would you want to do a deal with them? No. That's pretty much where we are with large numbers of our MP's and commentators. Friends, you might just yield for a little. Enemies, you absolutely wouldn't.
Agreed. I've liked a lot of well made arguments on the other side. There are a few though that have just regurgitated stuff that is either factually incorrect, or has no actual content other than "leave means leave". There are clearly people on the remain side that do not understand / ignore the complexities of the leavers argument. A decently drawn up leave option at a second referendum should allow for a more informed choice. I accept everyone will not be happy, but leaving without a deal, is not something that was presented by Voteleave.eu, and has not majority in the country or the existing Parliament.
Unless you are very rich Here is a section from a very detailed analysis of what is going on The real reason the likes on Rees Mogg and Banks are so against Mays deal is it kept us aligned with the EU tax avoidance directive. If you have time the whole paper is well worth a read or at least the summary at the beginning - it is at https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Remai...wkPMPs1r5zvuyA7aoUBMs6YgVXXocIoY17kLXQxrkCnUQ